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Diagram Shortcuts
When you have a diagram open, you can use a set of single or combination keyboard keys to move between, select and operate on the elements and connectors within the diagram.
Selecting and Marking Elements
Quick Key |
Operation |
See also |
Enter, comma (,) or period (.) |
When no element is currently selected, select the element nearest the top left corner of the diagram or of the section of diagram in view. |
. (period) |
When an element is selected, change selection to the nearest child element closest to the top left of the selected parent element, on the diagram. |
, (comma) |
When an element is selected, change selection to the parent element of the selected child element, on the diagram |
Arrow keys |
Select the next element on the diagram above, below, to the left or to the right of the current element; when moving left or right, the selection tends to be upwards rather than downwards. |
S |
Keep an element selected as you move to another element (using the keyboard arrow keys), so that you can select multiple elements using the keyboard. |
Operations on Multiple Elements |
Q, F (element name) or F2 (property) |
If no element property is selected, highlight the element name for in-place editing. If you have selected an element property, enable it for in-place editing. |
In-place Editing Options |
F |
Select the first editable feature of the item in focus. This is generally the element name but if you select a Tagged Value that has multiple system-defined values (such as the SearchName tag) you can cycle through the list of values to obtain the correct one. |
In-place Editing Options |
Shift+Space |
Bookmark the current element with a red marker. |
Bookmarks |
/ |
Toggle selection between the current (source) element and its connector. |
Inserting Objects, and Cutting and Pasting
Quick Key |
Operation |
See also |
Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert |
Paste element(s) from the clipboard as links to the original element(s). The 'Paste <element name>' dialog displays; simply click on the to paste the element. |
Move Elements Between Diagrams Diagram Panel |
Ctrl+Shift+V |
Paste a diagram element as a duplicate copy of the original element. The 'Paste as New' dialog displays. |
Insert or Spacebar |
Displays the 'Toolbox Shortcut' menu, from which you can select to create and add an element of one of a wide range of types. |
Toolbox Shortcut Menu |
Ctrl+Shift+Insert |
Paste an element into the diagram as a metafile image held on the clipboard. |
F3 |
Create a new connector of the same type as the last. |
Connect Elements |
W |
Add a way-point to the current connector. (This does not act on every line style.) |
Ctrl+Shift+I |
Hide or show selected connectors. |
Relationship Visibility |
Positioning Elements
Quick Key |
Operation |
See also |
Alt |
Press or tap this key when moving a child element in its parent element on the diagram, to toggle between:
Under Linux or Windows VM, do not hold the down, as this is linked to other behaviors. |
Alt+Z |
Automatically size selected elements. |
Autosize Elements |
Alt+- |
Space elements evenly, horizontally. |
Align Elements Operations on Multiple Elements |
Alt+= |
Space elements evenly, vertically. |
Shift+arrow keys |
Move elements by small increments. |
Move Elements Within Diagrams |
Ctrl+arrow keys |
Resize a selected element by small increments. |
Resize Elements |
Ctrl+Alt+Down |
Align the bottom edges of selected elements. |
Operations on Multiple Elements |
Ctrl+Alt+Up |
Align the top edges of selected elements. |
Ctrl+Alt+Left |
Align the left boundaries of selected elements. |
Ctrl+Alt+Right |
Align the right boundaries of selected elements. |
Saving and Undoing Changes
Quick Key |
Operation |
See also |
Ctrl+Z |
Undo a change. |
Undo Last Action |
Ctrl+Y |
Redo an undone change. |
Redo Last Action |
Ctrl+S |
Save changes to a diagram. |
Save Changes |
Ctrl+T |
Save an image to file. |
Save Diagram Image to File |
Ctrl+B |
Save an image to the clipboard. |
Copy Image to Clipboard |
Quick Key |
Operation |
See also |
Delete key or Ctrl+D |
Delete selected element(s) in a diagram, but not from the model. |
Element Context Menu Operations The Package Browser |
Ctrl+Delete |
Delete selected element(s) in the diagram from the diagram and from the model. |
Displaying Details in Other Windows
Quick Key |
Operation |
See also |
N |
Open and/or shift focus to the Notes window. |
Notes |
P |
Open and/or shift focus to the Properties window. |
Properties Window |
R |
Open and/or shift focus to the Relationships window. |
The Relationships Window |
E |
Display the Responsibility window |
V |
Display the Properties window |
Z |
If the Inline Specification Manager window is open, set focus to that window. |
O |
When you have selected an operation, open the Features window at the 'Operations' tab. |
Define Properties of Operations |
A |
When you have selected an attribute, open the Features window at the 'Attributes' tab. |
Create and Manage Attributes |
G |
Display the 'Generate Code' dialog for the selected element, to generate code from it. |
Generate a Single Class |
Y |
Synchronize the code generated from the selected element with the element content. |
M |
Display the 'New Element' dialog to create a new element. |
Add Elements Directly To Packages |
Ctrl+Shift+N |
View the Pan and Zoom window. |
The Pan & Zoom Window |
Displaying Portals Windows
Quick Key |
Operation |
See also |
3 |
Display the Workspaces portal |
Workspaces Portal |
4 |
Display the Perspectives portal |
Perspectives Portal |
5 |
Display the Windows portal |
Windows Portal |
6 |
Display the Extend portal |
Extend Portal |
7 |
Display the Execute portal |
Execute Portal |
8 |
Display the Learning portal |
9 |
Display the Working Sets portal |
Working Sets Portal |
Printing a Diagram
Quick Key |
Operation |
See also |
Ctrl+P |
Print the active diagram. |
Scale Image to Page Size |