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Window Behavior

You use the 'Window Behavior' page of the 'Preferences' dialog for setting local options that determine how dockable windows display on your system, and what Toolbars are immediately available.



Start > Appearance > Preferences > Preferences > General > Window Behavior

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl+F9 | General | Window Behavior

Control Window Display

Select from the options listed here.

Windows Behavior page of the User Preferences dialog in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.



See also

Always open maximized

The checkbox defaults to selected to set Enterprise Architect to open in a full-screen (maximized) window on start-up.

Deselect the checkbox to set Enterprise Architect to open in a smaller window.

Hide Properties Info Section

The checkbox defaults to selected to hide the properties information bar at the bottom of various displays such as the Properties window and 'Properties' dialog.

Deselect the checkbox to expose the information bar.

Assign Notes to a Tagged Value Properties Window

Animate Auto Hide Windows

If you are using windows that have been automatically hidden, they simply appear in the workspace when you move the cursor over the window tab.

Select this checkbox to slide the windows out into the workspace when you place the cursor on the window tab.

Auto Hide Windows

Hide Diagram Caption Bar

The diagram caption bar normally displays at the top or bottom of a diagram. If you prefer, select this checkbox to hide the caption bar.

Diagram View

Hide Status Bar

The Status Bar normally displays at the bottom of the Enterprise Architect work area. It shows information on the current operation and certain key settings, and provides a 'zoom bar' for adjusting the scale of the diagrams you view. If you prefer to hide the Status Bar, select the checkbox.

You can also hide sections of the information that the Status Bar shows by right-clicking on it and de-selecting any or all of the options:

  • <selected Perspective name> (to hide the name of the currently selected Perspective)
  • Zoom Slider
  • Status Indicators
Status Bar

Show Tab icons

Select this checkbox to show a representative icon on the name tab of each docked window.

Tabs with icons.

Deselect the checkbox to hide these icons.

Tabs without icons.

Show 'auto-hidden' windows on mouse over

The checkbox defaults to selected to show hidden windows when you drag the cursor onto the window's tab using the mouse. When you move the cursor off the window, it no longer displays.

If you deselect the checkbox, you have to left-click on the window's tab to display the window.

Full row select in tree controls

In a window that displays a hierarchy of model elements - such as the Browser window - clicking on an item highlights the selection. Selecting the 'Full Row Select in Tree Controls' checkbox causes the highlight to extend across the width of the window. Deselecting the checkbox restricts the highlight to the object name.

Track selection in tree controls

When this checkbox is selected, moving the cursor over an item in a hierarchy window - such as the Browser window - causes an underline to display under the element name, indicating that the item has focus and can be selected.  If you deselect the checkbox, the listed items are not underlined and none have focus until they are explicitly clicked on.

Hide scrollbars in tree controls

Select this checkbox to hide both vertical and horizontal scrollbars in the windows that list the hierarchical contents of the model, such as the Browser window. Clear the checkbox to allow scrollbars to display.

Application Tooltips

When you mouse-over ribbon or toolbar options, or the options in their subordinate menus, Enterprise Architect displays a tooltip identifying the function of that option.

You use this drop-down list to select whether to display the tooltips in the left-hand end of the Status Bar at the foot of the screen, or as a pop-up message close to the option. You can also select a third option to disable the display of tooltips.

Show Diagram Toolbar

Display the Diagram Toolbar at the top of every open diagram. Deselect this checkbox to hide the Toolbar on every diagram.

Diagram Toolbar

Use Large Icons

Select to show all icons on Toolbars at 32x32 pixels. Deselect to show the icons at 16x16 pixels.

Show Toolbar Customize Button

Each toolbar can have a down-arrow button on the end, which enables you to customize the toolbar options. This checkbox defaults to selected to show the down-arrow button; deselect the checkbox to hide the button, if you prefer.

Customize button on toolbar in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.
Legacy Toolbars Customize Dialog

Other Toolbars

Click on this button to show the 'Toolbar Customization' dialog, which allows you to quickly show and hide specific Toolbars.

Customize Toolbars

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