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Model Validation Example

This example code is written in C# and provides a skeleton model validation implementation that you might want to use as a starting point in writing your own model validation rules.


using System;
namespace myAddin
     public class Main
          public Rules theRules;
          public Main()
               theRules = new Rules();
          public string EA_Connect(EA.Repository Repository)
               return "";
          public void EA_Disconnect()
          private bool IsProjectOpen(EA.Repository Repository)
                    EA.Collection c = Repository.Models;
                    return true;
                    return false;
          public object EA_GetMenuItems(EA.Repository Repository, string MenuLocation, string MenuName)
               switch (MenuName)
                    case "":
                         return "-&myAddin";
                    case "-&myAddin":
                         string() ar = { "&Test" };
                         return ar;
               return "";
          public void EA_GetMenuState(EA.Repository Repository, string MenuLocation, string MenuName,
          string ItemName, ref bool IsEnabled, ref bool IsChecked)
               // if no open project, disable all menu options
               if (IsProjectOpen(Repository))
                    IsEnabled = true;
                    IsEnabled = false;
          public void EA_MenuClick(EA.Repository Repository, string MenuLocation, string MenuName, string ItemName)
               switch (ItemName)
                    case "&Test";
          public void EA_OnInitializeUserRules(EA.Repository Repository)
               if (Repository != null)
          public void EA_OnRunElementRule(EA.Repository Repository, string RuleID, EA.Element element)
               theRules.RunElementRule(Repository, RuleID, element);
          public void EA_OnRunDiagramRule(EA.Repository Repository, string RuleID, long lDiagramID)
               theRules.RunDiagramRule(Repository, RuleID, lDiagramID);
          public void EA_OnRunConnectorRule(EA.Repository Repository, string RuleID, long lConnectorID)
               theRules.RunConnectorRule(Repository, RuleID, lConnectorID);
          public void EA_OnRunAttributeRule(EA.Repository Repository, string RuleID, string AttGUID, long lObjectID)
          public void EA_OnDeleteTechnology(EA.Repository Repository, EA.EventProperties Info)
          public void EA_OnImportTechnology(EA.Repository Repository, EA.EventProperties Info)
          private void DoTest(EA.Repository Rep)
               // TODO: insert test code here


using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace myAddin
     public class Rules
          private string m_sCategoryID;
          private System.Collections.ArrayList m_RuleIDs;
          private System.Collections.ArrayList m_RuleIDEx;
          private const string cRule01 = "Rule01";
          private const string cRule02 = "Rule02";
          private const string cRule03 = "Rule03";
          // TODO: expand this list as much as necessary
          public Rules()
               m_RuleIDs = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
               m_RuleIDEx = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
          private string LookupMap(string sKey)
               return DoLookupMap(sKey, m_RuleIDs, m_RuleIDEx);
          private string LookupMapEx(string sRule)
               return DoLookupMap(sRule, m_RuleIDEx, m_RuleIDs);
          private string DoLookupMap(string sKey, ArrayList arrValues, ArrayList arrKeys)
               if (arrKeys.Contains(sKey))
                    return arrValues(arrKeys.IndexOf(sKey)).ToString();
                    return "";
          private void AddToMap(string sRuleID, string sKey)
          private string GetRuleStr(string sRuleID)
               switch (sRuleID)
                    case cRule01:
                         return "Error Message 01";
                    case cRule02:
                         return "Error Message 02";
                    case cRule03:
                         return "Error Message 03";
                    // TODO: add extra cases as much as necessary
               return "";
          public void ConfigureCategories(EA.Repository Repository)
               EA.Project Project = Repository.GetProjectInterface();
               m_sCategoryID = Project.DefineRuleCategory("Enterprise Collaboration Architecture (ECA) Rules");
          public void ConfigureRules(EA.Repository Repository)
               EA.Project Project = Repository.GetProjectInterface();
               AddToMap(Project.DefineRule(m_sCategoryID, EA.EnumMVErrorType.mvError, GetRuleStr(cRule01)), cRule01);
               AddToMap(Project.DefineRule(m_sCategoryID, EA.EnumMVErrorType.mvError, GetRuleStr(cRule02)), cRule02);
               AddToMap(Project.DefineRule(m_sCategoryID, EA.EnumMVErrorType.mvError, GetRuleStr(cRule03)), cRule03);
               // TODO: expand this list
          public void RunConnectorRule(EA.Repository Repository, string sRuleID, long lConnectorID)
               EA.Connector Connector = Repository.GetConnectorByID((int)lConnectorID);
               if (Connector != null)
                    switch (LookupMapEx(sRuleID))
                         case cRule02:
                              // TODO: perform rule 2 check
                         // TODO: add more cases
          public void RunDiagramRule(EA.Repository Repository, string sRuleID, long lDiagramID)
               EA.Diagram Diagram = Repository.GetDiagramByID((int)lDiagramID);
               if (Diagram != null)
                    switch (LookupMapEx(sRuleID))
                         case cRule03:
                              // TODO: perform rule 3 check
                         // TODO: add more cases
          public void RunElementRule(EA.Repository Repository, string sRuleID, EA.Element Element)
               if (Element != null)
                    switch (LookupMapEx(sRuleID))
                         case cRule01:
                              DoRule01(Repository, Element);
                         // TODO: add more cases
          private void DoRule01(EA.Repository Repository, EA.Element Element)
               if (Element.Stereotype != "myStereotype")
               // TODO: validation logic here
               // report validation errors
               EA.Project Project = Repository.GetProjectInterface();
               Project.PublishResult(LookupMap(cRule01), EA.EnumMVErrorType.mvError, GetRuleStr(cRule01));