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Locked Element Indicators

When a user sets a lock on an item through User Security, the lock status of the item is indicated in the Browser window by a marker against the item - a red or blue exclamation mark - as shown:

Showing model branches locked by users in the Project Browser in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

These indicators also display against the locked element on any diagram in which the element is represented.

The effect of the lock and the meaning of the status marker depend on the security policy applied to your project.

Require User Lock to Edit



See also

No marker

There is no lock, the item is not editable, but any user can now apply a user lock to edit the item.

Lock Objects Under Require User Lock to Edit

Blue exclamation mark

You have applied a user lock and can edit the item; no other user can release the lock, set their own lock or edit the item.

Red exclamation mark

Another user has applied a user lock, and you cannot release the lock, set your own lock or edit the item.

You can find out which user has locked the item.

Identify Who Has Locked An Object

User/Group Lock



See also

No marker

There is no lock, the item is editable, but any user can now apply a user or group lock.

Lock Packages Under User/Group Locking Lock Objects Under User/Group Locking

Blue exclamation mark

The item has a lock set by you or a group including your user ID as a member, and you can edit the item.

Red exclamation mark

The item has a lock set by another user, or a group of which you are not a member; you cannot edit the item.

You can find out which user has locked the item.

The red exclamation mark also indicates that you or another user has set a full lock on the item. Any user can clear that lock.

Identify Who Has Locked An Object


  • If a diagram is locked and you select an object on it, the object border displays in red; this indicates that you cannot change the location or size of the object on the diagram

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