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Model Analysis using Datasets

Every SysML Block used in a Parametric model can, within the Simulation configuration, have multiple datasets defined against it. This allows for repeatable simulation variations using the same SysML model.

A Block can be typed as a SysMLSimModel (a top-level node that cannot be generalized or form part of a composition) or as a SysMLSimClass (a lower-level element that can be generalized or form part of a composition). When running a simulation on a SysMLSimModel element, if you have defined multiple datasets, you can specify which dataset to use. However, if a SysMLSimClass within the simulation has multiple datasets, you cannot select which one to use during the simulation and must therefore identify one dataset as the default for that Class.



Simulate > System Behavior > Modelica/Simulink > SysMLSim Configuration Manager > in "block" group > Name column > Context menu on block element > Create Simulation DataSet

Dataset Management




To create a new dataset, right-click on a Block name and select the 'Create Simulation Dataset' option. The dataset is added to the end of the list of components underneath the Block name. Click on the Browse. button to set up the dataset on the 'Configure Simulation Data' dialog (see the Configure Simulation Data table).


To duplicate an existing dataset as a base for creating a new dataset, right-click on the dataset name and select the 'Duplicate' option. The duplicate dataset is added to the end of the list of components underneath the Block name. Click on the Browse. button to edit the dataset on the 'Configure Simulation Data' dialog (see the Configure Simulation Data table).


To remove a dataset that is no longer required, right-click on the dataset and select the 'Delete Dataset' option.

Set Default

To set the default dataset used by a SysMLSimClass when used as a property type or inherited (and when there is more than one dataset), right-click on the dataset and select the 'Set as Default' option. The name of the default dataset is highlighted in bold. The properties used by a model will use this default configuration unless the model overrides them explicitly.

Configure Simulation Data

This dialog is principally for information. The only column in which you can directly add or change data is the 'Value' column.




The 'Attribute' column provides a tree view of all the properties in the Block being edited.


The 'Stereotype' column identifies, for each property, whether it has been configured to be a constant for the duration of the simulation, or a variable for which the value is expected to change over time.


The 'Type' column describes the type used for simulation of this property. It can be either a primitive type (such as 'Real') or a reference to a Block contained in the model. Properties referencing Blocks will show the child properties specified by the referenced Block below them.

Default Value

The 'Default Value' column shows the value that will be used in the simulation if no override is provided. This can come from the 'Initial Value' field in the SysML model or from the default dataset of the parent type.


The 'Value' column allows you to override the default value for each primitive value.

Export / Import

Click on these buttons to modify the values in the current dataset using an external application such as a spreadsheet, and then re-import them to the list.

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