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Toolbox Page Attributes

When you create a Stereotype element to define a Toolbox page in an MDG Technology, you can add a number of attributes to control how the page itself behaves in the Diagram Toolbox. The Stereotype element can be one of several that extend the ToolboxPage Metaclass.

The attributes you can add are:

  • Icon - see Assign Icons To Toolbox Items
  • ImagesOnly - if you set Initial Value to true, the Toolbox page displays without the text labels next to the icons
  • isCollapsed - if you set Initial Value to true, the Toolbox page is initially minimized
  • isCommon - if you set Initial Value to true, this common Toolbox page is shown whenever another Toolbox page from the same technology is the current Toolbox page
  • isHidden - see Create Hidden Sub-Menus