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An Annotation node is a special feature of a Package that represents the diagrammatic elements in diagrams within that Package. Diagrammatic elements are non-model elements that have no purpose outside a diagram. Such elements include:
- Notes
- Text
- Hyperlinks
- Diagram Links
- Image elements
- Boundary elements
- Navigation Cells
The system automatically creates the Annotation when you open a diagram and add diagrammatic elements. One Annotation is created for each parent Package, so if the Package has several diagrams all the diagrammatic elements are held in the one Annotation.
The Annotation does not have any properties (including not having a name), and is simply a container for the diagrammatic elements, allowing them to be listed in the Browser window and - if necessary - re-used in multiple diagrams. This also protects the elements from being deleted if any diagram that contains them is deleted. Note that if you delete all diagrams that contain the diagrammatic elements, the Annotation and its contents persists.
The Annotation is represented in the Browser window by three blue dots followed by brackets.