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Appearance Options

It is possible to tailor the appearance of the Specification Manager view to better display the information you want to examine.



Specification - Specify > Display > Notes Format > [format option]

Specification - Specify > Display > Bold Names

Specification - Specify > Display > Collapsible Regions

Specification - Specify > Display > Highlight Selection

Specification - Specify > Display > Font Size > [size option]

Specification - Specify > Display > Element Icon

Adjust the appearance of the display



See also

Display of Notes

In the Specification Manager you can choose to hide, check, or create and edit Notes text on the screen.

Click on the 'Notes Format' icon and one of these options:

  • 'Hide' to not show the Notes at all; the element rows close up
  • 'Preview' to show the first line (the width of the 'Item' column) of Notes text for each element; in this mode, you cannot edit the Notes text in the Specification Manager, only in the Notes window
  • 'Full Notes Inlined' to show the complete Notes text for each element underneath the element name; in this mode you can create, edit and delete Notes text in the Specification Manager and perform the same operations as are available in the Notes window context menu
  • 'Full Notes in Column' to show the complete Notes text for each element in a new column next to the element names; you have the same freedom to edit the text as for 'Full Notes Inline'
  • 'Document View' to show the element names and text only, with no column headings or properties

Display element names in bold

Select the 'Bold Names' checkbox. All element names, including the names of child elements, are displayed in bold.

Enable the use of Expansion arrows on parent elements

If an element has child elements, you can configure the Specification Manager to either:

  • Hide the child elements but provide an expansion arrow that you can click on to open and collapse the element hierarchy (select the 'Collapsible Regions' checkbox), or
  • Automatically display the child elements indented underneath the parent element (deselect the 'Allow Collapsible Regions' checkbox)

Highlight the current element details

When you click on an element name or property, the Specification Manager defaults to indicating the selection with side bars and/or underlines. You can, if you prefer, also highlight the entire row of data for the element, by selecting the 'Highlight Selection' checkbox.

Specification Manager - Overview

Show Element Type as Icon

The Package you are reviewing might contain elements of a number of different types, so it is helpful to be able to see at a glance the type of the element you are reviewing. Select the 'Element Icon' checkbox to display an icon representing the element type, to the left of each element name.

Change Font Sizes of display

Across the Specification Manager view, the various display components such as parent element names, child element names, Notes/property values and column headings each have their own font size. You can select to increase or decrease the font sizes as a set across the display, relative to the current sizes.

Select the 'Font Size' option and either:

  • 'Small'
  • 'Medium' or
  • 'Large'