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Boxed List
A DMN Boxed List is a Decision element that contains a list of boxed expressions. These items are arranged as a vertical list in the DMN Expression window.
A Boxed List is often used in conjunction with a for loop expression that is contained in a related Decision element. The for loop expression is used to iterate over each row in the Boxed List, binding the List's Element-field to the corresponding variable, and evaluating the expression in the scope. The output of the for loop is a list containing the evaluation of the expression for each individual iteration.
Diagram Toolbox |
Drag a Decision element or BKM element from the Toolbox onto a DMN diagram, and select 'List' from the pop-up expression menu. Double-click on the DMN element; the DMN Expression window is displayed, showing details of the selected element. |
Properties |
Right-click on a DMN Decision or BKM element on the diagram, and select the 'Properties | Properties' menu option. On the General page, select the 'Tags' tab, and in the 'expressionType' value field click on the drop-down arrow and select 'List'. Click on the . Double click on the DMN element; the DMN Expression window is displayed, showing details for the selected element. |
It is common for Boxed Lists to be used as Enumerations, where all List items are of the same type.

It is also common for Boxed Lists to be used as a collection of data, where each item might have a different type.

Editing Boxed Lists
The DMN Expression window has a toolbar providing the options 'Add New List Item', 'Delete Existing List Item' and 'Move Item Up or Down'.
Right-click on a List item to display context menu options for setting the List item's type - string, number, boolean or object.
Example - Poker Rank and Suit
In this example, we have three Decisions: Rank, Suit and Rank Suit Combination

- Decision Rank is represented as a Boxed List with 13 Items from 'A' through to 'K'
- Decision Suit is represented as a Boxed List with 4 Items: 'Club', 'Diamond', 'Heart' and 'Spade'
- Decision Rank Suit Combination is represented as a Literal Expression with a for loop: for r in Rank, s in Suit return s + r
When multiple iteration contexts are defined in the same for loop expression, the resulting iteration is a cross-product of the elements of the iteration contexts. The iteration order is from the inner iteration context to the outer iteration context.
In this example, the cross-product of Rank (13 items) and Suit (4 items) is a list of 13 * 4 = 52 elements.