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A UML Node element.


A Node is a physical piece of equipment on which the system is deployed, such as a workgroup server or workstation. A Node usually hosts components and other executable pieces of code, which again can be connected to particular processes or execution spaces. Typical Nodes are client workstations, application servers, mainframes, routers and terminal servers.

Nodes are used in Deployment diagrams to model the deployment of a system, and to illustrate the physical allocation of implemented artifacts. They are also used in web modeling, from dedicated web modeling pages in the Toolbox.

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OMG UML Specification:

The OMG Unified Modeling Language specification, (v2.5.1, p.658) states:

A Node is computational resource upon which Artifacts may be deployed, via Deployment relationships, for execution. For advanced modeling applications, Nodes may have complex internal structure defined by nesting and may be interconnected to represent specific situations. The internal structure of Nodes can only consist of other Nodes. Besides participating in Deployments, Nodes acquire a set of associated elements derived from the Manifestation relationships of the Artifacts deployed on them.

Nodes may be further sub-typed as Devices and ExecutionEnvironments. Devices represent physical machine components. ExecutionEnvironments represent standard software systems that application components may require at execution time. Specific profiles might, for example, define stereotypes for ExecutionEnvironments such as «OS», «workflow engine», «database system», and «J2EE container».