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Text Translation

The translation facilities operate primarily on the text entered into the Notes window, so this is the principal interface between users and the translations. When the model administrator enables and configures translations on the 'Translations' page of the 'Manage Model Options' dialog, the Notes window has a 'Local' tab that displays note text in the natural language for the model, and the 'Translation' tab in which you select to translate and display the same note text in one of the selected languages.

Through the Notes window you can use the Enterprise Architect text translation feature to:

  • Perform a manual translation of the notes text displayed in the 'Local' tab, by typing or pasting the translation into the 'Translation' tab; available in all editions of Enterprise Architect
  • Automatically translate the Notes text into one of the selected languages (if using an internet translator application); available in any Cloud-connected repository
  • Block automatic translation of a specific instance of text, or select an instance of text to be translated according to a category in the Glossary Model (on the 'Local' tab)
  • Force a translation if the translator is not set to operate automatically
  • Toggle automatic translation if you are editing either the original text or a Translated text and do not want the original text to be translated
  • Reset the 'difference' flag on the 'Translation' tab, when the flag indicates that either the translation or the original text has been changed since the note text was translated

Manual Translation

In preparation for performing a manual translation, you first enable the Translation facilities and - if you have the Corporate or higher edition - specifically select the option of performing manual translations, on the 'Translations' page of the 'Manage Model Options' dialog. You also select the source and target languages; you can select more than one target language.

To enter a manual translation of the notes for a selected object, display the 'Translation' tab of the Notes window (Ctrl+3 > Translation), click on the drop-down arrow in the 'Language' field and select the language in which to translate the notes shown in the 'Local' tab.

Now you either manually type or paste a translation of that text into the text field of the Notes window, in the selected language.

If you want to create translations of the Notes text in more than one language, simply select each language in the 'Language' field in turn and enter the translation in that language. The translations are held in the model as different pages, each displayed when the appropriate language is selected.

You can edit the translated text at any time. Note that if you do edit the translation, or the text in the 'Local' tab - in the source language - is changed (that is, the modified date/time on the original text is later than on the translation text) an asterisk displays on the 'Translation' tab name to indicate that the translation(s) might not match the original text. The asterisk is removed when you select the 'Verify Translation' Hamburger option on the 'Translation' tab.

Note that you can also manually translate the object name and alias into any or all of the enabled languages, using the Properties window for the object.

Automatic Translation

In preparation for performing automatic translations, you first:

  • Install and set up the Integration Plug-in for Google or Microsoft, or a customized Plug-in you have created for any other translator facility you want to use
  • Enable the Translation facilities on the 'Translations' page of the 'Manage Model Options' dialog, register the translator and select the source and target languages; you can select more than one target language
  • Prepare the Translation section of the Glossary Model to block the translation of specific terms (such as product names) or to provide your preferred translations of certain words either wherever they are used or when they are used in particular contexts, such as in menu paths

You can select the 'Auto translate notes' option on the 'Translations' page to perform translations automatically as soon as you open the 'Translation' tab of the Notes window, or as soon as you change the language into which to translate the text, in the 'Language' drop-down list on that tab.

If you do not have the 'Auto translate notes' option selected, the Notes text is not automatically translated until you select the 'Force Translate' option from the Hamburger menu icon on the 'Translation' tab. This translates the text just for the current object in the currently selected language.

When an automatic translation is initiated, the system first checks the Translation elements in the Glossary Model and, where appropriate, applies the defined translation to the flagged words in the text. You flag these words and any that should not be translated at all using the context menu options in the 'Local' tab of the Notes window; see the Notes Help topic. The system then protects these words from translation, and allows free translation of the rest of the text.

Modify Automatic Translation

Text in the 'Translation' tab is laid out in the same format as the original text. Different languages have different structures, and the format or emphasis of text in one language might not suit another language. The translation itself might also not quite convey the context of the original language. In these situations, you can manually edit the translation to better represent your purpose.

As you do this, the 'Translation' tab name displays an asterisk to indicate that the content of the tab has been changed after the text was translated. The asterisk also displays if you edit the original text without retranslating the text. You can clear the asterisk by clicking on the 'Hamburger' icon on the 'Translation' tab and selecting the 'Verify Translation' option to indicate that the translation is acceptable.

To protect the changes you make in the translated text in a language, further automatic translation of that text in that language is blocked. To revert to the literal translation of the local text, click on the 'Hamburger' icon and select the 'Force Translation' or 'Auto Translate' option.

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