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The AddNew Function
The AddNew() function is used widely across the API to add new objects to a Collection. In all cases you must provide a Name and Type argument, but what these arguments are used for depends on the actual collection being accessed. For example, when adding a new element to the Elements collection, the 'Type' string can be either a basic UML element type or a fully qualified element type (stereotype) defined by a profile, such as SysML::Requirement differentiated from a standard requirement.
AddNew Attribute Arguments
This table provides guidance in specifying the AddNew arguments for each of the object attributes.
Attribute |
Arguments |
AttributeConstraints |
Name - The name of the constraint. Type - The constraint type |
Attributes |
Name - The name of the attribute. Type - The attribute type. |
AttributesEx |
Name - The name of the attribute. Type - The attribute type. |
AttributeTags |
Name - The fully-qualified name, or plain text. Type - The value of the Tagged Value. |
Authors |
Name - The author name. Type - The author role. |
Clients |
Name - The client name. Type - The client role. |
ConnectorConstraints |
Name - The name of the constraint. Type - The constraint type. |
ConnectorConveyedItems |
Name - The GUID of an element. Type - Not used. Note: This does not return an object. |
Connectors |
Name - The name of the connector. Type - The connector type (for example 'Realization'). |
ConnectorTags |
Name - The fully-qualified name, or plain text. Type - The value of the Tagged Value. |
Constraints |
Name - The name of the constraint. Type - The constraint type. |
ConstraintsEx |
Name - The name of the constraint. Type - The constraint type. |
CustomProperties |
You cannot create these. |
DataTypes |
Name - The datatype name. Type - The datatype type. |
DiagramLinks |
Name - Not used. Type - The style string (such as 'l=200;r=400;t=200;b=600;') (You might prefer to leave the Type empty and use the Functions on this interface for size, colors and so on). |
DiagramObjects |
Name - This can either be an empty string, or it can specify the initial Left, Right, Top and Bottom values for the new DiagramObject. For example: diagram.DiagramObjects.AddNew("l=200;r=400;t=200;b=600;", "") Note: Top and Bottom values should be specified here as positive numbers, but will be set in the repository as negative values. Type - Unused. |
Diagrams |
Name - The name of the diagram. Type - This can be either a standard UML metaclass type (such as 'Class' or 'UseCase') or a fully-qualified metatype defined by an MDG Technology (such as 'BPMN2.0::BusinessProcess' or 'SysML1.4::Block'). |
Efforts |
Name - The name of the effort. Type - The effort type. |
Elements |
Name - The name of the new element. If the repository has an auto-name counter defined for the element type being created, pass an empty string to use the auto-name counter instead. Type - Can be either a standard UML metaclass type (such as 'Class' or 'UseCase') or a fully-qualified metatype defined by an MDG Technology (such as 'BPMN2.0::BusinessProcess' or 'SysML1.4::Block'). |
Files |
Name - The full pathname of the file. Type - The file type (such as 'Local File' or 'Web Address'). |
Issues |
Name - The name of the issue. Type - The problem type, (such as 'Issue' or 'Defect') |
MethodPostConditions |
Name - The name of the constraint. Type - The constraint type |
MethodPreconditions |
Name - The name of the constraint. Type - The constraint type. |
Methods |
Name - The name of the method. Type - The return value of the method. |
MethodsEx |
Name - The name of the method. Type - The return value of the method. |
MethodTags |
Name - The fully-qualified name, or plain text. Type - The value of the Tagged Value. |
Metrics |
Name - The name of the metric. Type - The metric type. |
Models |
Name - The name of the model. Type - Unused. |
Packages |
Name - The name of the Package. Type - Unused. |
Parameters |
Name - The parameter name. Type - The parameter type. |
ParamTags |
Name - The fully-qualified name or plain text. Type - The value of the Tagged Value. |
Partitions |
Name - The partition name. Type - The partition note. |
ProjectIssues |
Name - The name of the issue. Type - The issue type (such as 'Request', 'Defect', or 'Release') |
ProjectResources |
Name - The resource name. Type - The resource role. |
ProjectRole |
Name - The role name. Type - Not used. |
PropertyTypes |
Name - The tag name. Type - The description (limited to 50 characters). |
Requirements |
Name - The name of the requirement. Type - The requirement type. |
RequirementsEx |
Name - The name of the requirement. Type - The requirement type. |
Resources |
Name - The resource name. Type - The resource role. |
Risks |
Name - The name of the risk. Type - The risk type. |
ScenarioExtension |
Name - The extension name. Type - The scenario type |
ScenarioStep |
Name - The step name. Type - The ScenarioStep type value. |
Scenarios |
Name - The name of the scenario. Type - The scenario type. |
Stereotypes |
Name - The stereotype name. Type - The element this applies to. Note: You can only support multiple elements from within a Profile. |
Tasks |
Name - The task name. Type - The task type. |
TemplateBindings |
Name - The formal name of the binding. Type - The actual name of the binding or element GUID. |
TemplateParameters |
Name - The parameter name. Type - The parameter type |
Terms |
Name - The term name. Type - The term type. |
Tests |
Name - The name of the test. Type - The test type. |
Transitions |
Name - The transition name. Type - The transition value. |