Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

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Tables are the most fundamental database object, and Constraints and Indexes (and their properties) are the second most frequently modified Table feature updated and changed by data modelers, therefore the 'Constraints/indexes' page has been conveniently located as the second page of the Database Builder's interface.

Once a Table is selected in the Database Builder's tree, the 'Constraints/Indexes' page is populated with the currently defined list of constraints and indexes for the selected Table. The data modeler can then make changes to main properties directly in the list. As the data modeler selects individual constraints or indexes in the list, the constraint's extended properties (and Comments) are shown immediately under the list, allowing modification of these extended properties.



  • The 'Constraints/Indexes' page will only be populated when a Table item in the Database Builder's tree is selected.