Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

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Integrated Development

Enterprise Architect provides an unmatched set of tools and features for the Software Engineer, to assist in the process of creating robust and error free software systems. The engineer can start by defining the architecture and ensuring that it traces back to the requirements and specification. Technology neutral models can be transformed to target a comprehensive range of programming languages. The Model Driven Development Environment fits the bill for various technologies.

Integrated Development




See also

Development Tools

  • Model driven development with best in class UML tools
  • Generate and reverse engineer code
  • Customize code generation with templates
  • Analyzer Scripts to manage your applications
  • Code editors to author the code base
  • Debuggers to investigate behavior
  • Profilers to visualize behavior
  • Analyzers to record behavior
  • Testpoints for validation of programming contracts
  • Integration with jUnit and nUnit
  • Eclipse or Visual Studio Integration where required


At a glance traceability of Generalizations, Realizations, Associations, Dependencies and more. Customize relationship views. Easily navigate related elements in the model.


Quickly browse element usage across all diagrams. Perform powerful element searches using sophisticated queries.

Popular Languages

  • C/ C++
  • Java
  • Microsoft .NET family
  • ADA
  • Python
  • Perl
  • PHP


Toolboxes are provided for a vast array of modeling technologies and programming languages.

Application Patterns

Enterprise Architect provides complete starter projects, including model information, code and build scripts, for several basic application types.

Generate Application Pattern

Learn more