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Set up a PostgreSQL ODBC Driver

After you have created a repository on your PostgreSQL database, you set up the PostgreSQL ODBC driver so that you can connect to a project on that repository from Enterprise Architect.



  • PostgreSQL DBMS and repository
  • PostgreSQL ODBC driver software version or above (note that versions 8.3.4 and 8.4.1 of the PostgreSQL ODBC Driver are not supported)

Set up the ODBC driver

Your PostgreSQL driver is now available to connect to the repository from Enterprise Architect.




Under both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems, Enterprise Architect requires 32-bit ODBC drivers to connect to a repository through ODBC. You can quickly load the correct 32-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator by selecting the 'Configure > User Tools > ODBC Data Sources' ribbon option.

The ODBC Data Source Administrator window displays.


Click on the Add button.

The 'Create New Data Source' dialog displays, enabling you to add a new DSN.


Select 'PostgreSQL UNICODE' from the list.


Click on the Finish button.

The 'Postgre SQL Connector/ODBC' dialog displays.


Enter these configuration details:

  • A data source name for the connection
  • The actual name of the database
  • The host address of the DBMS server
  • User name
  • A description (optional)
  • The password


To set the advanced options, click on the Datasource button and set the options on 'Page 1' as shown:

Note: from v9.5.4 onwards some options shown in the above image are no longer available and can be ignored.


If you are using PostgreSQL version 8 to 9.5.4, set the options on Page 2 as shown:

  • The 'Disallow Premature' checkbox should be checked
  • In the 'Protocol' panel, the '7.4+' radio button

Note: from v9.5.4 onwards the two options listed above are no longer available and can be ignored.


Click on the OK button to complete the configuration.

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