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Legend Properties

The 'Legend Properties' define the appearance of the Legend element itself, such as its background color, title text color and size, and border color. If you choose to use default colors, these are derived from the 'Preferences' dialog, 'Standard Colors' page.


The 'Style Options' dialog for a Legend element can be displayed using any of the methods outlined here.


Design > Element > Manage > Properties: Style Options

Context Menu

Right-click on Legend element | Properties: Style Options


Double-click Legend element: Style Options

Define properties of a Legend



See also

Heading Size


  • Overtype the font size of the Legend Title text with a different value, or
  • Click on the 'spinner' arrows to increase or decrease the font size

Font Color

Click on the drop-down arrow and select one of the standard font colors for the Legend Title text.

If you want to use a non-standard color, click on the Other button and either select from the larger pallet or define a custom color.

Create Custom Colors


Click on the down arrow and select one of the standard colors as the background fill color of the Legend element.

If you want to use a non-standard color, click on the Other button and either select from the larger pallet or define a custom color.

Create Custom Colors

Border Color

Click on the down arrow and select one of the standard colors as the color of the border lines of the Legend element.

If you want to use a non-standard color, click on the Other button and either select from the larger pallet or define a custom color.

Create Custom Colors

OK button

Click on this button to save your changes and close the dialog.

Cancel button

Click on this button to abandon any changes and close the dialog.


  • As you define the properties of the element, the changes are reflected in the preview window to the right of the value fields

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