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Create Stereotype Profiles using Profile Helpers

When creating a technology to provide a domain-specific toolset, the typical starting point is to define each element, connector, feature and structural component you want to provide. These are defined by a Profile.

All Stereotypes defined in a Profile are either extensions of Core UML objects (Metaclasses) defined by Enterprise Architect, or extensions of non-UML objects (Stereotypes) defined by other existing Profiles and technologies.

When development of a Profile is complete, it is saved to an external XML file and then incorporated into an MDG Technology for final deployment.

Each Stereotype defined in a Profile modifies the behavior of the Metaclass or Stereotype that it extends. These modifications might include:

  • Tagged Values to provide additional properties
  • Constraints to define the conditions and rules that apply to each Stereotype
  • A Shape Script to customize the overall appearance of the new object
  • A change to the default appearance of the object, such as background, border and font colors
  • Quick Linker definitions to provide a list of the most common connection types from each Stereotype
  • Special attributes that define the specific appearance and behavior of the new object, including the initial element size and Project Browser icon

Create a UML Profile



See also


In the Project Browser, locate the Package with the <<profile>> stereotype and open its child diagram.

If you do not have an existing <<profile>> Package, use the 'MDG Technology Builder' option in the Model Wizard to create a new technology, then open the diagram from the newly created <<profile>> Package.

Using the Profile Helpers


(Optional) If you intend your Stereotype elements to include Tagged Values with a drop-down list of several pre-defined values, each set of values must be defined by an Enumeration element on the Profile diagram.

If you intend your Stereotype elements to include a Structured Tagged Value to provide a composite set of information, each structure must be defined by a Class element on the Profile diagram.

The Enumeration and Class elements have to exist before you can define these Tagged Value types for your Stereotype; you can either create the elements at this point, or add these Tagged Values to your Stereotype at a later time.

Add a Structured Tagged Value to a Stereotype Add an Enumeration to a Stereotype


Add a new Stereotype by dragging the 'Add Stereotype Profile Helper' from the Diagram Toolbox. The dialog opened by the 'Add Stereotype Profile Helper' will allow you to specify various general Properties, Tagged Values, and the Shape Script for your Stereotype.

Add Stereotypes and Metaclasses using Profile Helpers


(Optional) Define Constraints for the Stereotype.

Define Stereotype Constraints


(Optional) Set the Default Appearance for the Stereotype.

Set Default Appearance


Repeat steps 3 to 5 for each new Stereotype element you want to create.


(Optional) Add a Quick Linker Definition to the Profile.

Add Quick Linker Definition To Profile


Save the Package as a Profile.

When saving the Profile, the name used should match the name of the Profile Package; this is necessary for the references within a Toolbox profile to function correctly

Export a Profile


Incorporate the Profile into an MDG Technology.

Add a UML Profile Generate MDG Technology


  • A Profile Package cannot contain other Packages; do not add any other Packages to the Profile

Learn more