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Move Elements Between Diagrams

If an element is present in one diagram but not in another, you can simply move or copy the element from one diagram into the other.

Move elements from one diagram to another




In the Project Browser, double-click on the name of the diagram that contains the element to be moved.

The diagram opens in the Diagram View.


Click on the element in the diagram to select it.



  • Click on the Cut button in the Default Tools toolbar, or
  • Press Ctrl+X

The selected element is copied to the clipboard.

However, the element remains visible on the current diagram until the clipboard content is pasted onto a different diagram.

The model element itself is not affected in any way.


In the Project Browser, double-click on the name of the diagram into which the element is to be moved.

The diagram opens in the Diagram View.



  • Click on the Paste button in the Default Tools toolbar, or
  • Press Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert

The element is pasted from the clipboard onto the current diagram and removed from the original (source) diagram.

Again, the model element itself is not affected in any way.

Copy elements from one diagram to another




In the Project Browser, double-click on the name of the diagram that contains the element to be moved.

The diagram opens in the Diagram View.


Click on the element in the diagram to select it.



  • Click on the Copy button in the Default Tools toolbar, or
  • Press Ctrl+C

The selected element is copied to the clipboard.

Neither the current diagram, nor the model element itself are affected in any way.


In the Project Browser, double-click on the name of the diagram into which the element is to be copied.

The diagram opens in the Diagram View.



  • Click on the Paste button in the Default Tools toolbar, or
  • Press Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert

The element is pasted from the clipboard onto the current diagram.

Again, neither the source diagram nor the model element itself are affected in any way.


  • By selecting more than one element at a time, you can move or copy multiple elements in the same operation
  • You can remove an element from a diagram by selecting it, then pressing the Delete key
  • You can also place an element onto an open diagram by locating the element in the Project Browser, then dragging it onto the diagram