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Code Generation Options

When you generate code for your model, you can set certain options. These include:

  • The default language
  • Whether to generate methods for implemented interfaces
  • The Unicode options for code generation



Configure > Model > Options > Source Code Engineering

Configure code generation options



See also

Always synchronize with existing file (recommended)

Select the radio button to synchronize imported code with an existing file.

Replace (overwrite) existing source file

Select the radio button to overwrite the existing source file with imported code.

Component Types

Click on this button to open the 'Import component types' dialog, to set up the importation of component types.

Import Component Types

Default Language for Code Generation

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the default language for code generation.

DDL Name Templates

Click on the button to define the template names for Primary Key, Unique Constraint, Foreign Key and Foreign Key Index Name templates.

DDL Name Templates

Default name for associated attrib

Type in a default name to be generated from imported attributes.

Generate methods for implemented interfaces

Select the checkbox to indicate that methods are generated for implemented interfaces.

Code page for source editing

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate Unicode character embedding format to apply.


  • It is worthwhile to configure these settings, as they serve as the defaults for all Classes in the model; you can override most of these on a per-Class basis using the custom settings (from the 'Code Generation' dialog)