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Custom Stereotypes

A custom Stereotype applies a different appearance or characteristic to a basic UML model component or feature. You can apply a custom stereotype in two different ways:

  • To change the appearance or property of an instance of a model component of a specific type; these stereotypes are defined on the 'Stereotypes' tab of the 'UML Types' dialog and applied through the 'Properties' dialog of the object, within the model in which they are created, although you can transport custom stereotype definitions between models as Reference Data
  • As a simple label on an element, to identify the role or nature of the object that an element represents; these stereotypes are simply names typed into the 'Stereotype' field of the object 'Properties' dialog, and do not affect the element display unless they are subsequently edited to have an effect

The more obvious changes you can make are to the shape, dimensions and appearance of the object, which you can apply by associating a metafile (image file) and customized colors with the stereotype, or by attaching a Shape Script to the stereotype. When you have defined and saved the stereotype, you can then apply it to any new or existing object of the base class with which it is associated.



Configure > Reference Data > UML Types > Stereotypes

Maintain custom stereotypes



See also


Type or select the name of the stereotype.

Group name

(Optional) Type a plural name under which to group the stereotype features for attributes and operations;  the name will be shown on diagrams in the attributes and operations compartments.

Base Class

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the name of a pre-existing object type so that the stereotyped element will inherit the base characteristics of that type.


(Optional, but recommended) Type any notes concerning the stereotype (not the elements to which the stereotype is to be applied).


Click on this button to clear the above fields to create a new stereotype definition.


Click on this button to save a new or edited stereotype definition.


Click on this button to delete a stereotype definition from the model.

Override Appearance


Select to retain the default element appearance for this stereotype.


Select to associate the stereotype with an image metafile (.emf or .wmf) to apply that image when the stereotype is used.

Shape Script

Select to associate the stereotype with a custom shape, created using the Shape Scripting language.

Shape Scripts


Click on this button to either:

  • Display the browser to locate the .emf or .wmf metafile to associate with the stereotype, or
  • Open the Shape Editor create the Shape Script to be associated with the stereotype


If a Shape Script is already associated with the stereotype, click on this button to open the Shape Editor to update the Shape Script.


Remove the associated metafile or Shape Script from the stereotype.

Default Colors


Click on the drop-down arrow and select or define the default background color of the elements to be refined by the stereotype.

This color will be applied to all occurrences of any element to which the stereotype has been applied; if the color is subsequently changed, the change is immediately applied to all occurrences of any element to which the stereotype was applied (as for changes to any other property of the stereotype).

However, on elements created with the stereotype, the default color might be overridden by other color definitions of a higher priority that have been applied to the element.


Click on the drop-down arrow and select or define the default color of the borders of the elements to be refined by the stereotype.


Click on the drop-down arrow and select or define the default color of the text of the elements to be refined by the stereotype.


Reset the default colors to those of the base element with which the stereotype is associated.


  • You can transport custom stereotype definitions between models, using the 'Configure > Model > Transfer > Export Reference Data' and 'Import Reference Data' ribbon options
  • You can also create Stereotype elements that extend basic UML model element types to create new model element types; you can re-use these extended model elements in other projects, by incorporating them into a Profile (usually within an MDG Technology) and importing this into the various target projects

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