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Languages such as Java support Package structures or namespaces. In Enterprise Architect you can specify a Package as a namespace root, which denotes where the namespace structure for your Class model starts; all subordinate Packages below a namespace root will form the namespace hierarchy for contained Classes and Interfaces.
To define a Package as a namespace root, right-click on the Package in the Project Browser and select 'Code Engineering | Set as Namespace Root'. The Package icon in the Project Browser changes to show a colored corner indicating this Package as a namespace root.
Generated Java source code, for example, will automatically add a Package declaration at the beginning of the generated file, indicating the location of this Class in the Package hierarchy below the namespace root.
To clear an existing namespace root, right-click on a namespace root Package in the Project Browser and select 'Code Engineering | Clear Namespace Root'.
To view a list of namespaces, select the 'Configure > Reference Data > Settings > Namespace Roots' ribbon option; the 'Namespaces' dialog displays. If you double-click on a namespace in the list, the Package is highlighted in the Project Browser; alternatively, right-click on the namespace and select the 'Locate Package in Browser' option. You can also clear the selected namespace root by selecting the 'Clear Namespace Attribute' option.
To omit a Package from a namespace definition, select the 'Code Engineering | Suppress Namespace' context menu option; to include the Package in the namespace again, select the 'Code Engineering | Show Namespace' context menu option.