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Create a Web Page Report

If you want to create a report on a Package to display as a web page, you can select the Package in the Project Browser and perform a simple procedure using the 'Publish as HTML' dialog. All child Packages of the selected Package are automatically included in the report.



Publish > Web > Standard HTML Report

Context Menu

Right-click on Document element | Documentation | HTML Report

Keyboard Shortcuts


Create a Web Page report



See also


Confirm the name of the selected Package, for which you are creating the web documentation.

If you want to change the Package, close the dialog, select the new Package and select the 'HTML Report' option again.


Defaults to the Package name. If you want the report to have a different title, overtype the field contents with your preferred text.

Output to

Type in or browse for the directory path your report is to be saved to.


(Optional.) Click on the drop-down arrow and select a custom web style template to apply to your documentation, in place of the default template.

Use the <default> value for the standard, system-provided template.

Create Web Style Templates

File extension

Type the file extension for your web documentation files; the default is .htm.


Click on the drop-down arrow and select a Diagram Theme to apply the color, line thickness and font style to diagrams of elements in the report, if those elements are using default values.

If you set the field to '<none>' the report will apply the system default theme defined in the 'Preferences' dialog, 'Diagram > Themes' page.

Diagram Theme Options

Header Image

If you want the report to have an identifying image at the top, type in or browse for the image file directory path and filename.

If you do not specify a path, the image defaults to the Enterprise Architect logo.

Preserve White space in Notes

Select the checkbox to reproduce the spacing of any element notes. Deselect the checkbox to remove white space.

No Page for Note and Text Items

Select the text box to exclude Note elements and Text elements from the report.

Hide Stereotype in Project Browser

Select this checkbox to turn off the inclusion of element stereotypes in element names in the Table of Contents (the Project Browser) of the generated HTML report. Deselect the checkbox to show the stereotypes.

External Hyperlink target

Provides options for how hyperlinked external documents are opened and displayed to the user. Click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate option:

  • '_top' - open the linked document in the full body of the current window (the default)
  • '_blank' - open the linked document in a new window or tab
  • '_self' - open the linked document within the same frame as the clicked link

Image Format

Select the appropriate file format in which to store images - PNG or GIF.


Select the appropriate checkboxes to include, in your web document:

  • Maintenance Items
  • Resource allocations
  • Hyperlinked files
  • Non-printable elements
  • Test Cases
  • Glossary
  • Model Tasks
  • Model Issues

Default Diagram

Select the appropriate radio button to begin the web report with:

  • The default Model Diagram
  • The currently-selected diagram
  • Another diagram, for which you can browse by clicking on the button
  • No diagrams (the 'None' radio button defaults to selected)


Click on this button to generate the report.


Shows the accumulating percentage completion of the report generation process.


Once the report is complete, click on this button to launch your default web browser and view the web pages.

View page for specific diagram or element

When you view the web report in your web browser, you can switch directly to a page for a specific diagram or element by specifying the appropriate GUID after the report web address. That is:


Type the word guid in lower case, and do not include braces { } in the value; for example:

     http:// .../path/Index.htm?guid=DC62B0DA-0D60-4447-85E6-B9BBAE7FC90F

To obtain the GUID, right-click on the Package or element in the Project Browser and select the 'Copy/Paste' option, or right-click on the diagram and select the 'Copy Reference' option.

Browser behavior

The display of your web report can be affected by the browser that you use. Specifically:

  • Firefox automatically converts the diagram or element page locator path to a file:///C:/path protocol and actions it
  • Opera automatically adds file://localhost/ to the start of the page locator path, in the same way as Firefox adds the file:///C:/path protocol
  • Opera by default disables XMLHttpRequest when loading a file, and the web report detects this and prompts the user to change settings; there are no problems when the page is hosted on a web server
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer does not operate on the page locator path directly, but the protocol in Firefox also works in Internet Explorer; therefore, to use the absolute references without a web server, you must access the path using the file:/// protocol
  • If you are using Internet Explorer 7.0 or later, and you do not have it open, its security profile might block the report display; click on the explanation banner at the top of the screen and select the 'Allow Blocked Content' option
  • To display web reports directly from the file system, Chrome requires the command line argument chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files; there are no problems with direct access when the page is hosted on a webserver


  • To generate a demonstration web report right now, open the EAExample project, select the 'System' Model Package and follow the steps above
  • You can also select Packages in your model to exclude them (and their subordinate Packages) from the web reports you generate

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