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Resource Documents

When you set the parameters on the 'Generate Documentation' dialog to define an output document as you need it, you might want to re-use that configuration to obtain a consistent view of changes to your model over time. You can capture the configuration as a Resource Document, which saves the:

  • Package name
  • Output file destination
  • Template
  • Output format
  • Options page settings
  • Exclude Filters
  • Element Filters and
  • Other Filters

The document is saved into the 'Document Generation > Defined Documents' folder of the Resources window. Saving your often-used report configurations as Resource Documents can simplify future document generation, both in producing specific documents and in batch-generating all documents or a selection of documents.


To save the current settings as a Resource Document:


Publish > Documentation > Document > Generate Documentation > Generate : Resource Document

Context Menu

Right-click on Package | Documentation | Generate Documentation | Generate : Resource Document

Keyboard Shortcuts

F8 | Generate : Resource Document


To load a Resource Document and use the settings it has saved;


Start > Explore > Resources > Document Generation > Defined Documents > Right-click on a document > Generate Document

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+6 | Document Generation | Defined Documents | Right-click on a document | Generate Document

Manage Resource Documents



See also

Create a Resource Document

On the 'Generate Documentation' dialog, click on the Resource Document button and, in the 'Enter Value' field, type a name for the document.

Click on the OK button. The document is added to the Document Generation > Defined Documents folder in the Resources window for easy future access.

Open, Generate or Delete Documents

In the Resources window, expand the Defined Documents folder (and, if necessary, the appropriate Document Group subfolder) and right-click on the required document.

Select the appropriate context menu option:

  • 'Edit Name' - Open the 'Edit Item' dialog and type over the current name to correct or change it; click on the OK button to save the change
  • 'Open Document' - Open the corresponding .document file, as specified by the document template 'Filename' property
  • 'Generate Document' - Open the 'Generate Documentation' dialog, loaded with the specified template
  • 'Auto Generate Document' - Generate documentation, with the document located at the path specified by the template's 'Filename' property
  • 'Delete Document' - Remove the specified document

Batch-generate a number of documents

Right-click on the 'Defined Documents' folder name and select the 'Generate Documents' option; the 'Batch Document Generation' dialog displays.

The dialog lists all resource documents in the 'Defined Documents' folder, whether or not they are contained in Document Groups. All the documents default to selected; deselect the checkbox against each document that you do not want to generate (or click on the Deselect All button to clear all selections, then select those you require).

Click on the OK button to generate each of the remaining reports into their respective target file locations.

Alternatively, to automatically generate every document in the 'Defined Documents' folder (again, whether or not they are in Document Groups), without displaying the 'Batch Document Generation' dialog, click on the 'Generate All Documents' context menu option.

Manage Resource Document Groups

As you create more Resource Documents, you might find it convenient to group them by category, such as model area or purpose. This helps you locate the required document quickly, and also refines the facility of generating multiple documents either through quick manual selection from the group or by generating the whole group automatically.



See also

Create a Document Group

In the Resources window, within the Document Generation folder, right-click on the Defined Documents subfolder and select the 'New Generation Group' option. The 'Enter generation group name' dialog displays, in which you type the name of the Document Group. Click on the OK button to create the group.

You can subsequently change the group name by right-clicking on it and selecting the 'Edit Name' option, and then overtyping the name in the 'Edit item' dialog.

Add Resource Documents to Group

To add a Resource document to a Document Group, simply drag it from its current location (in another group or under the Defined Documents subfolder) into the required group.

Delete Document Group

To delete a Document Group and all the Resource Documents it contains, right-click on the group name and select the 'Delete Document Group' option. A warning message displays; if you want to continue and delete the group and documents, click on the OK button.

Generate selected Documents from the Group

To generate some - but not necessarily all - of the Resource Documents in the group, right-click on the group name and select the 'Generate Documents' option. The 'Batch Document Generation' dialog displays, with all documents in the group selected.

Deselect the checkbox against each document that you do not want to generate (or click on the Deselect All button and reselect the checkboxes against the documents to generate). Click on the OK button to generate the selected documents to their defined target files, and to close the dialog.

Generate all Documents in the Group

To generate all the Resource Documents in the group as a batch, right-click on the group name and select the 'Generate All Documents' option. The system immediately starts to generate the documents in sequence.

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