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Add Connectors To Locked Elements

Generally, when working in a diagram containing locked elements, you cannot add a connector to a locked element. However, this depends on the lock status of the source and target elements (or more precisely, the lock status of the parent Packages of the source and target elements, when the source and target element are held in different Packages). There are scenarios in which a connector can be created on a locked element.

Lock Scenarios

Element Status

Add Connectors

See also

Source unlocked, target unlocked

Yes, any kind of connector can be added

Source unlocked, target locked

Yes, except for Composition connectors

Source locked, target unlocked

No, except for Composition connectors

Source locked, target locked

No, prohibited for all connectors


  • A connector can be added if its source is unlocked - you are modifying what the source can see
  • The exception is Composition connectors, where the target (the parent) must be unlocked - you are modifying the parent by adding children

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