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Sparx System's WebEA is an application designed to display the data from Enterprise Architect models in a web browser, which means users can review and comment on a model in real time, on a range of mobile devices or a remote work station, without needing to install Enterprise Architect.

WebEA is a component of the Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server, which is a separately-installed and licensed product, to complement Enterprise Architect. WebEA makes use of the PHP, HTML, CSS3 and javascript technologies and requires a web server (such as Apache) to host it. The topics of this chapter explain how to install and configure WebEA in detail, but if you are interested in getting started quickly see the WebEA Quick Start Guide for the necessary steps.


  • Users of WebEA requires a HTML5 / CSS3 compatible web browser
  • The WebEA interface requires Javascript to be enabled in the web browser
  • A client's device will require network connectivity to the web server hosting WebEA
  • Users of WebEA will require this information in order to connect to and log into a WebEA model:
         -  The complete URL; that is, machine name/IP number and optionally the port number
            and/or the path to WebEA files, depending on how the web server has been configured
         -  The name of the model to access
         -  (Optional) an access code necessary to open a model, if one has been configured
         -  (Optional) the user ID and password required to open a model, if user security has been

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