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Diagram View

If you have created diagrams in the Project Browser, you can select to open them and then add elements and connectors to them within the Diagram View. This is the main workspace for developing the structure of your model components, dragging new objects onto the diagram from the Diagram Toolbox and existing objects from the Project Browser. You can also add elements and connectors using the Quick Linker and other context menus within the Diagram View, and move, format and edit them.

Most work on elements and connectors is carried out in the Diagram View, so understanding how it works and how to manipulate elements is essential. You can use the EAExample project supplied with the system, or your own 'sandpit' models, to explore the capabilities and behavior of the Diagram View.


Project Browser

Double-click on the diagram name  or

Select the diagram node and press the Enter key

Diagram sections



See also

Caption Bar

Across the top of a diagram is the diagram caption bar, which includes:

  • A horizontal 'chevron' icon to display or hide the Diagram Toolbox; the Toolbox itself is unchanged, whether it is docked, floating, expanded or for the current diagram type, it is simply hidden or displayed
    If you hide the Toolbox and change to a different diagram type, when you show the Toolbox it is appropriate to the new diagram type but otherwise unchanged
  • Icon and text label for the diagram type
  • Diagram name
  • A drop-down arrow that lists the currently-open diagrams; click on:
         -  A diagram name to switch to that diagram
         -  Options to redisplay the hidden Start Page, Model Default diagram (if defined) or User Default diagram (if defined)
         -  The window 'close cross'; click on this to close the displayed diagram
Diagram Toolbox The Start Page Diagram Advanced Menu

Diagram View

The larger area underneath the Caption bar is the work area within which you can create and view the diagram structures. The borders of the printable diagram page are represented by pale broken lines; structures created beyond these borders will print on separate pages.

The Diagram View area is also where the diagram and object context menus operate, and where the representation of the model structure can be changed to a Gantt chart or Diagram List format.

The Gantt View Diagram List


  • Diagrams can contain hyperlinks to other diagrams, which are opened when you click on the links
  • It is possible to open several diagrams at once, but within the Diagram View you can only view one at a time
  • You can view and work on several diagrams at once, by making the tab containing a diagram into a floating window, using the 'Window' menu
  • You can also work on elements using the Diagram List
  • Additional information on the diagram, or a selected element within the diagram, is displayed in the system Status bar

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