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Export a Profile

Once you have created a Profile, defined the Stereotype elements, and added any Tagged Values, Shape Scripts, Constraints and Quick Linker definitions you need, you can save (export) the Profile to disk. The Profile can then be integrated with an MDG Technology and deployed to other models for use.

Save a Profile



See also


If your Profile is:

  • A single Profile spread over multiple diagrams within the same Profile Package, find the Profile Package in the Project Browser window, right-click on it and select the 'Advanced | Save Package as UML Profile' option
  • One of multiple Profiles within the same Profile Package, right-click anywhere in the background of the Profile diagram and select the 'Advanced | Save as Profile' option
  • A single diagram within the Profile Package, choose either the 'Advanced | Save Package as UML Profile' option or the 'Advanced | Save as Profile' option

The 'Save UML Profile' dialog displays.

Save Profile Options


Click on the button, and select the destination directory path for the XML Profile file.

If necessary, edit the Profile filename, but do not delete the .xml extension.


In the 'Profile Type' field, use the default value 'EA (UML)2.X' (or, if necessary, click on the drop-down arrow and select this value).


Set the required export options for all stereotypes defined in the Profile:

  • Element Size - select the checkbox to export the element size attributes
  • Color and Appearance - select the checkbox to export the color (background, border and font) and appearance (border thickness) attributes
  • Alternate Image - select the checkbox to export the metafile images
  • Code Templates - select the checkbox to export the code templates, if they exist
Color and Appearance


Click on the Save button to save the Profile to disk.

Avoiding Profile Name and ID conflicts

Each Profile should have a unique name and ID. The Profile name is specified when saving the Profile, while the ID is derived from the GUID of the diagram or Package that was used to save the Profile. To avoid name and ID conflicts:

  • When creating multiple Profiles, use a new diagram or Package for each Profile
  • When saving Profiles enter a Profile name that is unique

On starting Enterprise Architect or enabling an MDG Technology, if a duplicate Profile name or duplicate Profile ID is detected, a warning will be displayed in the System Output window.


  • To quickly test a Profile, you can import the XML file on its own into the Resources window; for final deployment, incorporate the Profile into an MDG Technology

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