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Model templates generated by Enterprise Architect are designed to assist in the creation of projects and models for both new and experienced users.

The templates are provided through the Model Wizard, for a wide range of model types available under the technologies integrated with or imported into Enterprise Architect; for example, Basic UML 2, Core Extensions, BPMN, SysML, ArcGIS, NIEM 3 and Database Engineering.

Each template provides a framework of Packages, diagrams, representative elements and connectors on which to build a model appropriate to your purpose. These can include overview diagrams that provide an introduction to the terminology and icons used in the model templates, and a quick guide to the concepts important to the templates and how they are applied in Enterprise Architect. This information can be provided either in Note elements or via hyperlinks to the Enterprise Architect Help and Sparx Systems or external resources.

In this illustration, the 'Dashboard: Issue Elements & Defects' template has been selected from the Core Modeling technology. It generates a skeleton model in the Project Browser and a set of charts for reporting on Issues and Defects in the model, ready to key into your project structure.

Template Groups

Templates are available for a number of model types and to support various project activities. In the Model Wizard they are grouped according to type or activity under the technology that provides them. This table describes some of the technologies and groups from which you can select one or more templates; to be listed in the Model Wizard, the technology must be enabled in the 'Configure > Technology > Manage > MDG Technologies' dialog.


Grouping and Templates

See also

Core Modeling

Provides templates for the core UML models, for extensions of these models, and for the alternative Views of the model structures. As examples, these groups contain templates for:

  • UML 2 Class, Use Case and Component models
  • Dashboard, Business Process, User Interface and Requirements extensions
  • Analysis, Dynamic and Logical Views

There is some overlap between the types, allowing you to address similar modeling concepts in a different type of structure.

Views UML Models


Provides a set of BPMN model templates for whichever version of BPMN you have loaded. For example, for BPMN 2.0 the templates are:

  • BPEL 2.0
  • Business Process
  • Choreography
  • Collaboration and
  • Conversation
BPEL Models BPMN Models


Provides a set of SysML model templates for whichever version of SysML you have loaded. For example, for SysML 1.4 the templates are:

  • Primitive Value Types library
  • Unit and Quantity Kind library
  • Control Values library
Systems Modeling Language (SysML)


Can hold several groups of templates, depending on which business modeling technologies you are using. Provides templates for:

  • Business Rules
  • ArchiMate
  • Data Flow Diagrams
  • Erikson-Penker diagrams
  • Mind Mapping
  • Strategic Modeling
  • UMM 2.0
  • Web Modeling
  • Whiteboard diagrams
ArchiMate UML Profile for Core Components Strategic Models Analysis Models Web Stereotypes Business Models


Holds templates for all the supported DBMSs that you might want to create a data model for. It also provides an Entity Relationship Diagram template.

Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) Create a Data Model from a Model Pattern


Holds templates for modeling user/software interfaces, such as for Win 32 UI, SPEM and Wireframing.

Wireframe Models SPEM Win32 UI Technology


Provides templates for SoaML and SOMF.

SOMF 2.1 SoaML


Provides templates for ArcGIS and GML.

MDG Technology For GML ArcGIS UML Profile


Holds templates for the range of frameworks and standards that can be integrated with Enterprise Architect, such as:

  • Zachman Framework
  • NIEM
  • NIEM 3.0
  • ODM
  • UPCC

This technology also provides templates for the MDG Technology Builder, which you can use to create your own technologies.

NIEM 3.0 NIEM MDG Technology for ODM UPCC Schema Guide The Zachman Framework TOGAF


Currently holds templates for technologies that have not been grouped with the previously-listed sets, such as UPDM 2.0 and UBL.

Using UPDM Available Frameworks

Learn more