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Model Options

The Specification Manager helps you to develop the elements in a Package from 'the ground up'. You use standard, or reference, data in doing this, such as the names of team members who can create and edit model data, or the automatic naming system to apply in creating  your elements. Because you can start from an early stage in the model's development, some of the reference data you want to use might not exist. The Specification Manager, therefore, also makes it easier to call up the facilities for defining the types of data you need.



Publish > Documentation > Glossary

Configure > Reference Data > Project Types > General Types > Requirement

Configure > Reference Data > Project Types > People > Project Authors

Configure > Reference Data > Settings > Auto Names and Counters

Configure > Reference Data > UML Types > Tagged Value Types

Configure data for development

Data Type/Option


See also

Project Glossary

It is possible to create a Glossary of terms and definitions used throughout the Project, and to automatically link to the definition of a term where it occurs in the model text.

Project Glossary View

Requirement Types

Requirement elements can be of one of several system-defined types, as shown in the 'Stereotype' column of the Specification Manager, if you have selected to work on Requirements.

If these types are not sufficient for your needs, you can define alternatives on the 'Requirement' tab of the 'General Types' dialog.

Requirement Types

Project Authors

A Project Author is a system user who has responsibility for creating modeling structures and data in a project.  Initially there are no Project Authors defined on the system, and you might need to identify the users who are in your development team.

Click on this menu option to display the 'People' dialog, on which you define the Project Authors.

Project Authors

Auto Names and Counters

When you start to create elements in your model, the system automatically gives them a name based on the element type and the number of elements of that type that already exist. For example, if you create a series of Requirement elements the default names are 'Requirement1', 'Requirement2', 'Requirement3' and so on. You then edit these default names.

Alternatively, you can define your own default naming and numbering system for specific element types, for either the element name, the element alias, or both.

Display the 'Auto Name Counters' dialog, with which you can define your naming and numbering system.

Set Auto Naming and Auto Counters

Extended Property Types

You can add Extended Properties (Tagged Values) to your elements in the Specification Manager, using the 'Extended Properties' option on the element content menu.

However, you might want to use a type of Tagged Value that is not currently available; in this case, you can create that type using the 'Tagged Value Types' tab of the 'UML Types' dialog.

Click on this menu option to display the 'UML Types' dialog.

Editing Elements Tagged Value Types


  • In the Corporate and extended editions of Enterprise Architect, a User Security system can be applied that restricts or enables access to a range of operations and functions; if you cannot access a function in the Specification Manager, check with your System Administrator or Security Administrator to see if you have access permissions to work with that function

Learn more