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Enterprise Architect provides a design testing facility for Testers and Quality Assurance personnel to create a range of test scripts against elements in the modeling environment.

Testing Tasks



See also

Test Cases

With Enterprise Architect, you can set up a series of tests for each model element.

The test types include Unit, Acceptance, System, Integration, Inspection and Scenario tests.


Import requirements, constraints and scenarios

To use testing to maintain the integrity of the entire business process, you can import requirements, constraints and scenarios defined in earlier iterations of the development life cycle.

Requirements indicate contractual obligations that elements must perform within the model.

Constraints are conditions that must be met in order to pass the testing process; constraints can be:

  • Pre-conditions (states which must be true before an event is processed)
  • Post-conditions (events that must occur after the event is processed) or
  • Invariant constraints (which must remain true through the duration of the event)

Scenarios are textual descriptions of an object's action over time and can be used to describe the way a test works.

Requirements Scenarios Constraints

Create quality test documentation

Enterprise Architect provides the facility to generate high quality test documentation in .RTF, DOCX and PDF file formats.

Test Documentation

Element defect changes

In defect tracking you can allocate defect reports to any element within the model, so that all who are involved in the project can quickly view the status of defects and see which defects have to be addressed and which have been dealt with.

Create Maintenance Items