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Perspective Sets

A Perspective Set is a combination of a Workspace layout (screen and dialog selection) and a Menu Set (menus and options made available), acting as a complete interface to the system that is tailored to the type of work you are doing. The workspace layout and menu set work in synergy - the workspace layout specifically displaying dialogs that are of relevance to a work area, whilst the menu set (where appropriate) reduces the available menu options to those relevant to the work area.

Enterprise Architect provides a number of system-defined Perspective Sets. You can also create your own Perspective Sets to satisfy your specific requirements. On the 'Perspective Sets' page of the 'Workspaces and Commands' dialog, the list of the available Perspective Sets starts with the system-defined perspective sets and continues with those you have customized.



Start > Workspace > Perspectives > Show Perspectives Window > Perspective Sets

Manage Perspective Sets



See also


Click on this button to create a new, customized Perspective Set.

The 'New Perspective Set' dialog displays. On this dialog, in the:

  • 'Name' field, type an appropriate name for the Perspective Set
  • 'Workspace Layout' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select an existing Workspace layout (you can create custom Workspace Layouts on the 'Workspaces' page of the 'Workspaces and Commands' dialog)
  • 'Menu Set' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select an existing menu set (you can create custom menu sets on the 'Menu Sets' page of the 'Workspaces and Commands' dialog)

Click on the OK button to add the Perspective Set to the end of the list.

Customize Menu Sets Manage Workspace Layout


Click on the appropriate Perspective Set in the list and click on this button to delete the set permanently from the list.

A prompt displays to confirm the deletion; click on the Yes button.


Click on the appropriate Perspective Set in the list and click on this button to apply the Perspective Set and close the dialog.


Click on this button to close the dialog without applying a new Perspective Set.


Click on the appropriate Perspective Set in the list and click on this button to apply the Perspective Set without closing the dialog.

System-Defined Perspective Sets

Perspective Set


See also


Displays a base set of navigation and display dialogs, and provides the complete set of menu options (some of which might still be disabled within the specific context of a task).

Main Menu


Displays the full set of dialogs specific to debugging tasks, and hides those menu options of no relevance to debugging.



Displays the dialogs specific to requirements management (such as the Specification Manager, Summary View and Element Discussions windows), and provides the complete set of system menu options.

Element Discussions Specification Manager Manage Requirements

Use Case Modeling

Displays the dialogs specific to Use Case modeling (such as the Scenarios and Requirements window and Specification Manager) and provides the complete set of system menu options.

Element Scenarios & Requirements

Database Modeling

Displays the Database Builder and Relationships window, and provides the complete set of system menu options.

Database Engineering The Relationships Window


Displays the Testing window and Relationships window, and hides those menu options of no relevance to testing.


Project Management

Displays the Project Gantt view, Resource Allocation window and Relationships window, and hides the menu options of no relevance to Project Management.

Project Task Allocation Resource Allocation


Displays the Testpoints window and Execution Analyzer window, and provides the complete set of system menu options.

Managing Analyzer Scripts The Testpoints Window

Profile and Record

Displays the Profiler window, Record & Analyze window and Breakpoints & Markers window, and hides the menu options of no relevance to Profiling.

The Recording History Profiling Breakpoint and Marker Management


Displays the Simulation window and Simulation Events window, and hides the menu options of no relevance to Simulation.

Simulation Events Window Model Simulation Run Model Simulation

<Customized perspectives>

The list continues to show all custom Perspective Sets that you have created.


  • If you want to check which context menu options are available or hidden, select the 'Menu Sets' page of the 'Workspaces and Commands' dialog, select the menu set to examine and expand the menu hierarchy in the right-hand panel as far as necessary