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BPSim - Step Page

After successfully running the execution, you get an execution report that tells you the process status in general, such as the average time of a task, the total waiting time of customers and how many issues are repaired.

In addition, you can inspect the process from various angles. For example:

  • From the timestamp - what was the status of this process at 9:30 AM?
  • From the token - what did the 3rd customer do in the shop?
  • From the property - how does the number of issues decrease and increase for the 2nd car?
  • From multiple threads - can I see customers walk in and simulate automatically on the diagram?
  • From the resources - when is a support busy or idle? Why is a customer waiting for 40 minutes?

All of these kinds of question can be answered on the 'Step Simulation' page.



Simulate >Process Analysis > BPSIM >  Open BPSIM Manager > Step tab

Toolbar Options



See also

Click on this button to simulate the process automatically based on the execution result.

Click on the menu option 'Set Speed for Replay' and adjust the simulation speed. For example, input '60' means 60 times faster than actual; 1 minute in real life will be simulated in 1 second.

Click on this button to pause the auto-replay simulation.

Click on this button to exit the simulation mode.

Click on this button to 'Step over' to the next timestamp. Each 'Step over' can contain multiple 'steps'.

Click on this button to play a single step. This represents a single movement of a token in the process.

Click on this button to generate a Timing Diagram for the simulation.

You can choose from the menu, either 'Generate a single timeline for each token' or 'Generate multiple timelines for each token'.

Click on this button to export the filtered records on this step page to a CSV file. You can choose which tab to export.

Tokens Page

After running the execution, this page will be filled with token information during the simulation; the sequence of entries is in order of triggering time.

  • 'Apply Filter' in the 'Token ID' column will only show records for a specific token
  • One click on the Step in button will play one record in the list
  • Double-clicking on a record is equivalent to 'Step to' that record from the beginning
  • If time parameters are set on the elements, 'Step over' will run to the last record of the next time event
  • When a record in the list is played, the simulation snapshot will show on the diagram

Property Parameters Page

While the records on the 'Tokens' page are played, the 'Property Parameters' page will show the runtime value of properties at the timestamp.

For example, a BPMN process to calculate Fibonacci numbers might be modeled in this way:

After defining property parameters, configuring BPSim parameters for each element and executing the model, we are ready for the step simulation:

The 'Message' column indicates that properties 'N, first, n, second' are initialized.

Keep clicking on the Step in button; the properties in the list will change their values. This figure shows that on entering task 'next = first + second', the value of property 'next' changes from 89 to 144.

Resources Page

While the records on the 'Tokens' page are played, the 'Resources' page will show the runtime resource available, quantities and allocation/release events at the timestamp.

Generate Timing Diagram

When the time parameters are configured on the BPMN elements, Enterprise Architect will be able to generate a Timing diagram for the simulation process.

  • Generate a single timeline for each token

Use this option for a 'single threaded' process; for example, no parallel gateway or event sub processes

  • Generate multiple timelines for each token

Use this option in cases when the 'Generate a single timeline for each token' option does not apply.

For example:

Execute this model and click on 'Generate multiple timelines for each token' the generated Timing diagram resembles this:

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