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Add a New Document

Within the Team Library, you can create a new Document on a Topic as either:

  • A blank Document
  • A Document based on a predefined template, or
  • A Document from a file link



Start > Collaborate > Team Library

Keyboard Shortcuts


Create a blank Document



See also



  • Right-click on the appropriate Topic name in the Team Library window and select the 'New Document' option
  • Click on the Topic name and on the 'New Document' icon in the Team Library toolbar, or
  • Click on the Topic name and press Ctrl+N

A new 'Document' icon displays underneath the Topic name.

Work on Team Review Items


Overtype the New Document text with the name of the Document, and click off the name.

The text editor displays in the 'Team Document' tab.


Type the text of the Document as required.

Edit an Item

Create a Document based on a predefined template



See also


Right-click on the appropriate Topic name in the Team Library window and select the 'New Document from template' option.

A new 'Document' icon displays in the hierarchy.

Work on Team Review Items


Overtype the New Document text with the name of the Document, and click off the name.

The 'New Document from Template' dialog displays.


Click on the drop-down arrow in the 'Template' field, and select a predefined template for the Document contents.


Click on the OK button.

The template structure is displayed in the 'Team Document' tab.


Type in or paste the text of the Document.

Edit an Item

Create a Document based on a link to an external file



See also


Open a file browser (such as Windows Explorer) and locate the file.


Click on the file name and drag it onto the appropriate Topic name in the Team Library window.

A new 'Document' icon is created underneath the selected Topic, and the body of the Document is shown in the 'Team Document' tab.

A link to the source file is created at the start of the message.


Click twice on the New Document text in the Team Library window, and overtype the text with the name of the Document.


In the 'Team Document' tab, create and edit text around the file link, and add further links if required.

Edit an Item

When you have created the Document

You can


See also

Create links from the Document

To elements and diagrams from the:

  • Project Browser
  • Model Search
  • Model Views window, or
  • Package Browser
Add Object Links The Project Browser Model Search Model Views Package Browser

Create links from the Document to Team Library objects

Such as:

  • Categories
  • Topics, and
  • Documents
Add Object Links

Create links from the Document to external files

These links can be either in the text of the Document or on the Category, Topic or Document in the Team Library window (the link is added to the Model Links folder for the Team Library  item).

Add Object Links

Add resources to the Document

It is simple and convenient to link to the resources that are the subject of discussion or that illustrate points in the discussion.

Team Review Resources

Receive Comments on the Document from other users

The objective of the Team Library  is to discuss aspects of development, so you can expect to receive Comments on the Documents that you have posted, and to create Comments on the material posted by your colleagues.

Comment on a Document