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Testpoints Toolbar

The Testpoints Window Toolbar provides options to execute configured tests on the currently selected Testpoint object, stop a test run currently in progress, filter the displayed items, and save the results of a completed test run.



Execute > Analyze > Testing > Show Testpoints Window

Testpoints toolbar options

Toolbar Button


See also

Field showing the name of the currently selected Testpoint object.

Start test.

Execute the test run.

Stop the test run currently in progress.

Toggle between showing all items and showing only those items that have constraints defined.

Toggle between showing all items and showing only operations that have been marked for inclusion in this Test Cut; this button is only enabled when a Test Cut object is selected.

When a Test Cut is selected, each of the operations of its associated Class are displayed with a checkbox; you use this checkbox to mark the operations that apply to this Test Cut.

Test Cut

Click on the drop arrow next to this icon to display the 'Test Run Options' menu, providing these options:

  • 'Prefix Trace output With Function Call' - Prefix all trace output lines with the executing function name
  • 'Enable Standard Breakpoints during Testing' - When not checked, the test run ignores any breakpoints in the current breakpoint set, and any attempts to set breakpoints during the run are ignored
  • 'View Trace output' - Display the 'Testpoints' tab of the System Output window
Breakpoint and Marker Management The Output Window

Click on this icon after completion of a test run to save the results to Test item on the current object. Saved tests can be viewed using the Testing Workspace.

A prompt displays to select the Test Class - Unit, Integration, System, Inspection, Acceptance or Scenario. Select the appropriate Test Class and click on the OK button.

Help icon.

Display the Testpoint Management Help topic.

Show or hide the Parent Collections pane.

The Testpoints Window

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