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Add Packages to Model Document

After you create a Model Document element, one of the two options available to you is to identify the Packages to document in the reports generated from the element. You can add as many Packages as you need, from anywhere in the model.

Add Packages to Model Document element



See also


Open the Documentation diagram, and locate a Package in the Browser window to add to the documentation; for example, a Resources Package in a Dynamic view.


Drag and drop the Package from the Browser window onto the Model Document element, as shown:

An example of how to set a Virtual Document to to report a Package by dragging it on to a Model Document in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.


Adding the Package creates an attribute with the same name as the Package; the attribute can be seen in the Model Document element in the Attributes compartment:

An example of how to set a Virtual Document to to report a Package by dragging it on to a Model Document in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Repeat step 2 for each of the Packages you want to include in the document.


You could now generate your report as a document or as a web page, but you might prefer to first review how your Package list impacts the order in which information is presented in the report.

You can change the sequence of Packages, or delete any Packages that are no longer required.

Generate the Document Model Documents and Report Packages Document Order Delete Package in Model Document