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Import Requirements and Hierarchies in CSV




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You can import Requirements from a spreadsheet application in CSV format. Before doing this you must create a CSV import file specification that:

  • In the 'Default Types' field has the value 'Requirement Package' to import requirements and a Package structure to contain them
  • Has the 'Preserve Hierarchy' checkbox selected
  • Identifies the data fields on the spreadsheet that are to be translated into Enterprise Architect, in the order in which they are plotted across the spreadsheet
  • Is to operate on a spreadsheet containing the 'CSV_KEY' and 'CSV_PARENT_KEY' fields (which, if not generated by a CSV export from Enterprise Architect, you have added and populated yourself)

This enables you to import the individual and grouped requirements from the spreadsheet into Enterprise Architect, and to reconstruct the hierarchies of Requirements in the target Package in the Project Browser.

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