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Opening the Database Builder

When you first open the Database Builder, it searches the entire project for all Packages that have the stereotype <<Data Model>> and loads the corresponding data models as root nodes into the tree. A grayed-out icon indicates that the details of the data model are not loaded.  


The above figure shows the Database Builder with a single unloaded data model called 'Orders (postgres)'.

Using the Database Builder

You can start working in the Database Builder in one of these two ways:



See also

Create a new data model

Once you have opened the Database Builder view, right-click in the empty space of the tree and select 'New Data Model' to invoke the Model Wizard.

Create a Data Model from a Model Pattern

Load an existing Data Model

Once the Database Builder view is opened, load any of the defined data models by either:

  • Right-clicking on the name and selecting 'Load', or
  • Double-clicking on the name

Data Model Properties

In earlier versions of Enterprise Architect (prior to the introduction of the Database Builder) it was necessary for the data modeler to manually set properties on database objects before some tasks were allowed. For example, Enterprise Architect would not allow the definition of a Table column without the Table first being assigned a DBMS. This was because the DBMS controls the list of available datatypes.

To improve efficiency and the user experience, the Database Builder defines defaults for a number of properties at the data model level and then applies these default values automatically whenever new objects are created.





Defined against: The data model's <<Database>> Package

Defined as: Tagged Value

Details: Defines the DBMS of the current data model

Extra Information: 

  • Controls which logical folders are shown for the current data model in the Database Builder's tree
  • Controls what DBMS rules are applied during database comparisons
  • Is automatically assigned to every new database object created in the current data model


Defined against: The data model's <<Database>> Package

Defined as: Tagged Value

Details: Defines the default Owner for the current data model

Extra Information: 

  • Is automatically assigned to every new database object created in the current data model, if the DBMS supports owners/schemas


Defined against:  The data model's <<Database>> Package

Defined as: Tagged Value

Details:  (Optional) the name of the default connection

Extra Information:

  • Whenever a data model is loaded, the 'DefaultConnection' property is checked; if present, the Connection by that name is automatically made active
  • The database engineering model Patterns do not define a value for this property, it is created or updated whenever a user sets a Connection as the default


  • If a data model is selected in the Project Browser when the Database Builder is opened, that model's details will be automatically loaded