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Create Report Packages

If you want to create a series of documents - or sections of a document - that are individually tailored but are generated and organized as a single unit, you can design each document in its own Model Document element but organize these elements under a Report Package. This is a Package element with a child Common diagram to which you add the Model Document elements. You can then generate a document with common contents and the headers and footers, and each section having its own appearance defined by a template appropriate to the section content. When you add Model Document elements to a Report Package, the Report Package element resembles this:

The Report Package element and child diagram are listed in the Project Browser as shown:

Create a Report Package



See also


Open or create a diagram in which to create the Report Package. The diagram can be of any type, although 'Documentation' automatically provides the correct Toolbox page.

Add New Diagrams


If the Toolbox 'Documentation' page is not already shown, select 'More tools | Extended | Documentation'.

Virtual Documents Diagram Toolbox


Drag the 'Report Package' icon onto the diagram.

The system prompts you for the name of the Report Package element.


Type the element name and click on the OK button.

The system creates the Report Package element and a child Custom diagram of the same name.


If creating a Report Package for an HTML report, go to step 6.

Otherwise, open the Tagged Values window ('Start > Windows > Tagged Values') and click on the Report Package element. A number of Tagged Values are available, the first set of which you can use to define the Report Constants for the document cover page details:

  • ReportAlias
  • ReportAuthor
  • ReportName
  • ReportStatus
  • ReportTitle
  • ReportVersion
Tagged Values


Return to the Project Browser and open the Report Package child diagram. At this point, to provide the content for the generated document, you either:

  • Create the Model Document elements in the child diagram, or
  • Drag existing Model Document elements from the Project Browser into the child diagram
Create Model Document


Having set up the Report Package, and created or added and set up its Model Documents as required, you can generate the document report on the Report Package Document; this pulls in the contents of the Model Documents.

Generate the Document