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Customize Menu

It is possible to customize your submenus to add or remove shadow around the outline of each menu and to apply animation to the way in which the submenus are opened.  



Start > Workspace > Preferences > Customize > Menu

Animate Menu Display



See also

Menu animations

Click on the drop-down arrow and select one of the options:

  • None - the menus are instantaneously displayed on selection
  • Unfold - the menus unfold from the top left corner diagonally downwards
  • Slide - the menus slide out from the top downwards
  • Fade - the menus fade in
  • [Default] - similar to Fade

Menu Shadows

Select the checkbox to display a shadow along the right and lower edges of the menu.

Clear the checkbox to display menus with no shadow on the borders.


Click on this button to close the 'Customize' dialog.

Your animation options take effect on the menus.


  • When you perform a major upgrade of the system (such as from release 10 to 11) the menus are reset and deleted options are replaced.