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Import Responsibility or Constraint as Test

If you are creating a test against a responsibility (internal requirement) or internal constraint of an element, you do not have to manually re-type the details into the test record in the Testing window. You can generate a testing record on the element from the responsibility or constraint.

The test record is generated into the test-type tab that you currently have open, and the responsibility or constraint description is copied to the 'Description' tab for the test record.


Select an element, then use one of the methods outlined here to display the Testing window and show the required class of tests. Then, in the Testing window:

  • Right-click on test list | Import element constraint(s)    or
  • Right-click on test list | Import element requirement(s)

Alternatively, select an element, then open the Element Browser and, within the Testing folder:

  • Right-click on test of required class | Import element constraint(s)    or
  • Right-click on test of required class | Import element requirement(s)


Construct > Testing > Test Windows > <test class> > Right-click on test list > Import element constraint/requirement

Start > Explore > Element Browser > Right-click on test of required class > Import element constraint/requirement

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+3 : <test class> | Right-click on test list | Import element constraint/requirement

Alt+9 : Right-click on test of required Class | Import element constraint/requirement

Import a requirement or constraint as a test



See also


On the 'Import Constraint' or 'Import Requirements' dialog (the two dialogs are identical) review the list of internal requirements or constraints in the selected element.


Click on one of the items to import as a test, or press Ctrl+click on more than one to import several.

Click on the OK button.

Each item is added to the list of tests in the Testing window, on the selected <test-type> tab, as a standard, 'Not Run' test.


Edit the items to complete their definition as tests.


  • In the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, System Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have Manage Tests permission to add, update and delete test records

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