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Create Test Records
When you need to create or edit a test record on an element, for any of the six types of test, you can do so using either the Testing window in Item mode, or the 'Test details' dialog. The 'Test details' dialog displays when you select the 'New' option or double-click on a test entry on the Testing window in List mode.
Whichever type of test you are recording, and whichever dialog you use, you complete effectively the same fields.
Ribbon |
Construct > Testing > Test Windows > <test class> : |
Keyboard Shortcuts |
Create a test record
Field/Button |
Action |
See also |
Test |
Type the name of the test. This can be any alphanumeric text string you want to use. |
Auto |
As an alternative to typing in the name, click on this button to insert predefined auto-counter text. If you already have some text in the 'Test' field, it is over-written by the auto-counter text. |
Set Auto Naming and Auto Counters |
Status |
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the value indicating the current status of the test (Not Run, Pass, Fail, Deferred and Canceled). |
Type |
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the value indicating the type of test (Load, Regression or Standard). |
Class Type
This field defaults to the class (type) of test selected in the drop-down field at the left of the Testing window Toolbar - Unit, Acceptance, Scenario, Integration, Inspection or System. If you are creating a different class of test, click on the drop-down arrow and select that class. |
Run By |
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the name of the person who ran the test. |
Checked By |
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the name of the person who checked the test run. |
Last Run
Click on the drop-down arrow and select the date on which the test was last run. |
Result |
('Test Details' dialog) Click on the drop-down arrow and select the value indicating the results of the test (Not Run, Pass, Fail, Deferred and Canceled). |
Append to Test Result |
('Test Details' dialog) Select this checkbox to reproduce the Test Run data in the 'Results' tab for the test. |
Description |
Type a description of the test; you can format the text using the Notes toolbar at the top of the field. This text is also reflected in the Notes window, but cannot be edited there. |
Notes Toolbar |
Input |
Type in the input data provided to the test; you can format the text using the Notes toolbar at the top of the field. This text is also reflected in the Notes window, but cannot be edited there. |
Acceptance Criteria |
Type the acceptance or test success conditions; you can format the text using the Notes toolbar at the top of the field. This text is also reflected in the Notes window, but cannot be edited there. |
Results |
Type the results of the last test; you can format the text using the Notes toolbar at the top of the field. This text is also reflected in the Notes window, but cannot be edited there. |
Previous |
('Test Details' dialog) If earlier test records exist, click on this button to reset the fields to the values of the previous test record. |
Next |
('Test Details' dialog) If you are looking at an earlier test record, click on this button to reset the fields to the values of the next most recent test record. |
New |
('Test Details' dialog) Click on this button to clear the fields so that you can enter the information for a new test record. |
OK |
('Test Details' dialog) Click on this button to save the new or changed data and close the dialog. |
Close |
('Test Details' dialog) Click on this button to close the dialog without saving the new or changed data. |
Apply |
('Test Details' dialog) Click on this button to save the new or changed data without closing the dialog. |
icon in the Testing window toolbar and click on the required item in the Testing folder in the Element Browser window