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Resource View

The 'Resource View' tab shows the current commitments of each allocated resource in the project as a list of allocation records and a Gantt chart of the progress of the allocations.

The display initially shows the resources and their overall commitment; click on the 'plus-box' to the left of the name of the resource to expand the entry to show the elements and the allocation period for each element.

The display shows both complete allocations and those that are still in progress; an internal filter hides completed allocations two weeks after the end date, and incomplete allocations one month after the end date. Tasks you can perform include checking the:

  • Dates on which specific resources or all resources are currently allocated
  • Elements to which each resource is allocated
  • Dates on which a resource is allocated to work on a specific element
  • General progress of the resource in completing the work
  • Specific details of the allocation of a resource to an element and task or role



Construct > Task Management > Gantt : Select the 'Resource View' tab

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