Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

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Project Browser Header Bar

The Project Browser header provides access to several operations you can perform on your project structure and content, including opening the project in the first place. The header consists of the green Up Arrow and Down Arrow icons, and a button with a variable name that gives access to a drop-down 'Project Development' menu.

When you first open Enterprise Architect with no project selected, the Project Browser button has the name 'Open Project'.

When you click on this button the menu displays, on which only the 'Open Project' option is active. This option displays the 'Manage Projects' dialog, through which you can locate and open the required project.

For most of the time, however, you will open a project automatically as you open Enterprise Architect. When the project opens, the Project Browser button shows the name of either the first root node in the project or whatever Package or diagram you have set as the default to display on opening. Thereafter, the button shows the name of whatever object you have selected in the Project Browser.

In all cases, the button gives access to the 'Project Development' menu.



Start > Explore > Browser : <button>   or

Show > Window > Project Browser : <button>

Keyboard Shortcuts

Alt+0 : <button>




See also

Open Project

Select this option to open an existing project, or to create a new project from scratch or from a base template project.

Shortcut: Ctrl+O

Opening a Project

Reload Project

Select this option to close and reload the current project, refreshing the Project Browser (in a multi-user environment, to bring in changes made by other users sharing the project).

Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+F11

Refresh View of Shared Project

New Model from Pattern

Select this option to create a new Model Package in the project, from a predefined UML or Technology pattern.

The list of available Model Pattern Technologies includes the MDG Technology Builder, which creates a Model Package containing templates that you can use to generate a new MDG Technology containing a set of Profiles.

Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+M

Model Wizard

New Package

Select this option to create a new child Package under the selected Package.

Add a Package

New Diagram

Select this option to create a new child diagram under the selected Package or element.

Add New Diagrams

New Element

Select this option to create a new child element under the selected Package or element.

Add Elements Directly to Packages

Find in Project Browser

Select this option to perform a simple search for a text string in the Project Browser.


Select this option to display a submenu from which you can select to generate, on the selected Package in the Project Browser, a:

  • Document report
  • Web report
  • Joomla! Article or
  • Diagram Only report

Shortcuts: F8



Publish as Joomla! Article Web Reports Diagrams Only Report Generate Document Reports

Code Generation

Select this option to display a submenu from which you can select to:

  • Generate source code
  • Generate DDL
  • Import a source directory
  • Import a binary module
  • Import a Resource Script
  • Import a database schema
  • Generate Package contents to synchronize with Package code
  • Reset the source code language

All these options operate on the selected Package.

Shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+K



Import Resource Script Reset Options Generate DDL For Objects Update Package Contents Import Binary Module import a Directory Structure Generate a Package Import Database Schema

'Move' Arrows



Move Element Up

Click on this icon to move the selected Package or element further up the Project Browser, within its parent Package.

Move Element Down

Click on this icon to move the selected Package or element further down the Project Browser, within its parent Package.

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