- Model information, software, business rules and processes, hardware systems and more using UML compliant notation; for the latest UML specification, see www.omg.org
- Leverage SysML, BPMN, DDS and other domain specific UML extensions
- Model dependencies between elements, system dynamics and states
- Model Class hierarchies, deployment, components and implementation details
- Publish and load complete diagrams as Patterns
- Create and share dynamic views of model elements and diagram sets using Model Views
- Analyze and trace relationships between elements using the tabular Relationship Matrix
- Specify, trace and verify requirements directly against the design, right through to the deployed solution using built-in Requirements Management
- Apply and manage Traceability, Auditing and Impact Analysis
- Simple file based repositories for small teams
- Scalable large team support using shared repositories (MS SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle and others supported)
- Record project issues, tasks and system glossary
- Assign resources to model elements and track effort expended against required effort
- Manage personal tasks, workflow and collaborative model based mail
- Schedule tasks and track important events using built in calendars and Gantt charts
- Distributed development through shareable files, use of shared repositories in a range of major Database Management Systems, file replication, data transfer, and import and export of reference data
- Share models using the latest XMI 2.1 format
- Import models in XMI format from other tools (where compliant)
- Audit all changes and report on recent activity
- Visual and textual differencing based on Package level baselines
- Model and simulate processes with BPMN
- Use structured scenarios to rapidly define use case based behavior
- Import plain text use case descriptions into structured scenarios
- Generate diagrams from structured scenarios
- Generate BPEL scripts automatically from Business Process models
- Business rules editor/designer
- Generate executable business logic from rule tasks and trace to natural language business rules
- Database modeling profile
- Reverse engineer from a range of DBMSs via ODBC
- Forward engineer DDL scripts to create database structures
- Import database schema, XSD and WSDL source
- Support for GML and ArcGIS
Support for forward and reverse code engineering for many languages including:
- ActionScript 3.0
- Java
- C#
- C++
- VB.Net
- Delphi
- Visual Basic
- Python
- Import .NET and Java binaries
- Simulate SysML parametric models
- Simulate state and activity diagrams
- Verilog
- SystemC
The Visual Execution Analyzer contains many important tools for building, verifying and testing your software. Some of the standout features include:
- Debug numerous languages, including C++, Java, C#, VB.net, PHP and others
- Integrate coding and development with the UML model
- Quickly search through source files and through your model during coding
- Intelli-sense based on model data
- Record and generate sequence diagrams from execution traces
- Use profiling tools for native windows applications written in C/C++
- Use the Object Workbench to test individual objects
- Testpoint facility to quickly apply xUnit like tests to source without writing code
- Generate Testpoint diagrams and sets from execution traces
Simulation of behavioral models provides numerous benefits, including:
- Verify the correct behavior of modeled state machines and activity graphs
- Demonstrate modeled solutions to customers with attractive, configurable simulation walk-throughs
- Simulate buttons presses and real-world events with triggers
- Simulate rules and conditional execution with both model elements and Javascript based code
- Record sets of triggers and automate playback based on scenarios
- Walk through Sequence diagrams
Modeling languages and frameworks for specialized domains are easy to build and use within Enterprise Architect. Several are supplied by Sparx Systems, and some additional ones by 3rd parties. The tools available in Enterprise Architect also let you build your own frameworks for your special domain.
- Leverage industry-standard Enterprise Architecture frameworks such as Zachman, TOGAF, UAF/UPDM and others
- Extended modeling for Requirements, User Interface Design, Mind Mapping, Data Modeling
- SysML, DDS
- Built-in Model Driven Architecture (MDA) Transformations
- Create custom transforms
- Use UML Profiles to for domain-specific modeling
- A range of Add-Ins to integrate and extend the facilities of Enterprise Architect
- Write your own Add-Ins
- Transform behavioral models into executable source code for software and hardware description languages (HDLs) such as Verilog, VHDL and SystemC
- Comprehensive and flexible MS Word-compatible web and document report options
- Read-only Viewer enables stakeholders to view but not change milestone deliverables
- Manage, track and control change using baseline model merge and auditing capabilities
- Migrate changes across a distributed environment using Controlled XMI Packages
- Manage Version control through XMI using SCC CVS and Subversion configurations
- Inbuilt user and group security and access control management
- Auditing
- Testing support for test cases, JUnit and NUnit
- Integrated Debug Workbench for visualizing executable Java and .NET applications, instantiating run-time model objects and generating Sequence diagrams from a stack traces
- Extensive Testpoint facility
- Script and automate common tasks using a detailed Automation Interface and Model Scripts
- Speed: Enterprise Architect is quick to load and a spectacularly fast performer, even with large models
- Scalability: Enterprise Architect supports single users and the development of small models, or many concurrent users developing extremely large models, with equal ease
- Usability: many of our users agree, Enterprise Architect gets you started and productive quickly, with a rich user interface and the ability to create templates, model views and 'favorites' collections of commonly-used elements and diagrams.