Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

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Getting Started

This guide will help you understand how to start working with Enterprise Architect and the options that are available to you when you launch the product. You will also learn how to use the system when you create models, work in a team and manage your projects. Model driven engineering will be a new approach to many, and the guide will help place Enterprise Architect in the context of this approach and show how it can be used to solve common modeling problems, ultimately resulting in successful projects.





Simple steps to setup your modeling environment.

Quickstart Tutorial

Master the Enterprise Architect basics with the quick start tutorial, from creating a project to modifying element properties.

Learning Center

Quick access to a range of context-specific task guides in a number of specific work areas, such as Getting Started, Modeling or Testing.

User Interface

The Enterprise Architect Menus, Windows, Toolbars and customizations all explained!

Keyboard Shortcuts

Rapidly control the Modeling Environment and common functions with Enterprise Architect's Keyboard Accelerators.

Learn more