Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

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Start Portal

The Start Portal provides links to and information on both the:

  • Facilities of the system that help you to set up, review and manage your project and your own work on the system, and
  • Resources of the Sparx Systems website that explain and demonstrate how to use the system and obtain updates on new developments and activities



Show > Window > Show Portals Bar: Start


Start Page:




See also


The options in this group display the dialogs that you use to create and/or connect to projects through Enterprise Architect. Select:

  • 'New File' - to specifically create new file-based .eap and .feap projects
  • 'Open File' - to connect to selected local projects, via a file browser
  • 'Server Connection' - to connect to a project stored within your Database Management system
  • 'Cloud Connection' - to create a connection to a remote project through the internet or web
File Based Repositories Connecting to Projects Via the Cloud Server Based Repositories


The options in this group help you to plan and work through your day within your project. Select:

  • 'Calendar' - to display the Project Calendar, providing notification of internal events and holidays
  • 'Model Mail' - to open the internal mail facility as a view, through which you exchange emails with colleagues on the project
  • 'Personal Tasks' - to display the Gantt chart of project tasks that have been assigned to you to work on
Project Calendar Model Mail Personal Tasks


The options in this group highlight changes that have been made to the elements and diagrams in the model, and any discussions that have been recorded on the elements. In each case you can change the reporting interval and other parameters from the default. Select:

  • Elements - to identify any changes made to individual elements anywhere in the model in the last three days
  • Diagrams - to identify any changes made to individual diagrams anywhere in the model in the last three days
  • Discussions - to display any discussions that have been recorded on any elements in the model today
Pre-defined Searches Element Discussions


The options in this group help you to quickly search for:

  • Model elements having specific characteristics, and
  • Data held in associated files
Search in Files Model Search


The options in this group access useful explanatory information on the product, mostly from the Sparx Systems website, and display it through the internal Web Browser. Select:

  • 'Help' - to display the first page of the product Help and an index that provides access to the full range of Help topics
  • 'Learning Center' - display the Learning Center topics, which are brief instructions for quickly performing tasks throughout Enterprise Architect (after downloading the files from the Sparx Systems website or another site specified by your Technology Developers)
  • 'Example Model' - to immediately open and switch to the Example Model, which provides working examples of the models, structures and files that you might use in your work with the system
  • 'Video Demos' - to open the 'Product Demonstrations' page of the Sparx Systems website, which provides a  number of pre-recorded video demonstrations ranging from general overviews of Enterprise Architect to detailed instructions for using specific features
  • 'Tutorials' - to open the 'Tutorials' page of the Sparx Systems website, which provides tutorials on general UML modeling and doing work with Enterprise Architect
  • 'Overview Guide (PDF)' - to open the Enterprise Architect Reviewers Guide PDF document, which provides a comprehensive overview of the capabilities of the most recent version of Enterprise Architect; each section focuses on a particular aspect of the system.
    The document is very helpful to trial users who are currently evaluating Enterprise Architect
  • 'Resources Portal' - to open the 'Help, Tutorials & White papers' page and the 'Resources' page of the Sparx Systems website, providing access to a wide range of Enterprise Architect and UML tutorials, demonstrations, examples, base files, Add-Ins and general information
  • 'MDG Technologies' - to open the 'MDG Products' page of the Sparx Systems website, which provides a brief description of, and the download links for, each supported MDG Add-In product for a selected edition of Enterprise Architect - select your installed edition from the drop-down list
    Enterprise Architect editions such as Systems Engineering, Business & Software Engineering and Ultimate will automatically register certain Add-In products; however these Add-Ins are not included in the default Enterprise Architect installation and must be downloaded separately
  • '3rd Party Extensions' - to open the 'Third Party Extensions' page of the Sparx Systems website, which provides listings of additional Enterprise Architect Add-Ins developed by partners and other members of the Enterprise Architect community
  • 'Check for Updates' - to perform a quick search for more-recent releases of the Enterprise Architect installer
  • 'Newsletter' - to open the 'Newsletters' page of the  Sparx Systems website, which provides links to view newsletters previously released by Sparx Systems, and to subscribe to receive future newsletters as they are released
  • 'Webinars' - to open the 'Webinar Registration' page of the Sparx Systems website, which:
         -  Describes the next webinar (a real-time seminar hosted via the internet) scheduled by Sparx Systems, and
         -  Provides links to the registration form, for you to register your participation in the webinar
  • 'Release History' - to open the 'Recent Features' page of the Sparx Systems website, which provides a full history of changes in the most recent builds of Enterprise Architect
    You can also open the release history and investigate the features of earlier releases of the system, going back to version 1.1.3, the very first commercial release
  • 'Sparx Systems Home Page' - to display the home page of the Sparx Systems website, from which point you can explore the full range of facilities and information available on the site
Learning Center The Web Browser

Recent Models

Lists the models you have worked on recently, up to a maximum of 10.

Click on the model name to open it in Enterprise Architect.

Learn more