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Verify Portal

The Verify Portal provides links to the facilities of the system that help you to simulate and perform tests on the model that you are developing.



Show > Window > Show Portals Bar: Verify


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These options help you to execute and manage simulations on behavioral models. Select:

  • 'Simulator' - to display the Simulation window, through which you can execute and control a simulation on a selected behavioral model
  • 'Simulation Events' - to display the Simulation Events window, through which you manage the Triggers and sets of events in a simulation
  • 'Simulation Perspective' - to enact the Simulation Perspective, which displays the screens, dialogs and menu options appropriate to managing simulations
Simulation Events Window Manage Perspective Sets Run Model Simulation

Search for Simulations

These options execute searches for the appropriate type of behavioral diagram on which to perform a simulation. Select:

  • 'Activity Graphs' -  to search for Activity diagrams in the model
  • 'StateMachines' - to search for StateMachine diagrams in the model
  • 'Executable StateMachines' - to search for Executable StateMachine Artifacts in the model
  • 'Recent Activity Graphs' - to search for Activity diagrams that you have opened recently; the period defaults to the last 7 days but you can specify a longer period to search through, in the 'Search Term' field
  • 'Recent StateMachines' - to search for StateMachine diagrams that you have opened recently; the period defaults to the last 7 days but you can specify a longer period to search through, in the 'Search Term' field
Pre-defined Searches Activity Diagram State Machines Code Generation - State Machines


The options in this category help you to search for and manage the tests that have been defined for and executed within the model. Select:

  • 'Testing Report' - to display the 'Generate Documentation' dialog with the fields defaulted to generate a Test Report on the selected Package, to show the executed test scripts and the results of each test
  • 'Test Management Layout' - to enact the Testing Perspective, which displays the screens, dialogs and menu options appropriate to test reviews
  • One of these options to search for and list tests that have a specific status:
         -  'Recent Results'
         -  'Recent Failures'
         -  'Recent Passes'
         -  'Recent Deferrals'
         -  'Recent Modified Elements'
         -  'Not Run'
         -  'Not Checked'
Pre-defined Searches Manage Perspective Sets Testing System Document Templates

Test Points

Select 'Test Point Layout' to enact the Testpoints Perspective, which displays the screens, dialogs and menu options appropriate to Test Point Management.

Manage Perspective Sets Testpoint Management

Model Validation

These options help you to validate the model elements in the currently-selected Package, against specific validation rules. Select

  • 'Validate Current Package' - to immediately perform a validation
  • 'Validation Rules' - to review and re-set the validation rules that are applied when you perform a validation
Run Validation Rules Reference Configure Model Validation Model Validation

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