Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

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Show Panel

The 'Show' panel contains a single 'Window' icon, which displays a list of the common windows and toolbars that you might use in your work. When you click on the window name the window either opens or - if it is already open - becomes active and is highlighted.

The name of each selected window and toolbar is marked with a tick, so the list provides a summary of which displays are open. By moving the focus to the window when you click on the name, the list also helps you to quickly check or update the window content. These are very useful aids when you might be working with a number of open windows and toolbars positioned across two or even three monitor screens.

Available Facilities



See also

Apply Workspace Layout

Click on this option to display the Workspaces and Commands window, through which you can customize your workspace display by creating, editing and applying workspace definitions, menu sets, Perspective sets and Ribbon menus.

Perspective Sets Menu Sets Workspace Layouts

Show Portals Bar

Select this option to display the Portals Bar, above which is the Portals window showing the Start Portal. You use the Portals Bar to select which Portal to show in the Portals window, and to reorganize the sequence of, or access to, the separate Portals.


Show Toolbar

Select this option to display a list of the ten standard Enterprise Architect Toolbars, from which you can select the Toolbars to insert above the central work area or to dock in some other convenient location on the screen. You can hide each Toolbar again by deselecting the name in the list.


Project Browser

Select this option to display the Project Browser, which shows the hierarchical structure and content of your models.

The Project Browser


Select this option to display the Navigator Toolbar above the central work area. You can also dock the toolbar in some other convenient location on the screen, and hide it again by deselecting the option in the list.

Navigator Toolbar

Model Views

Select this option to display the Model Views window, which you use to capture information on the objects in your model from different perspectives that you define yourself, helping you to encapsulate your model under the areas in which you are interested.

Model Views


Select this option to display the Resources window, a repository of project-standard and re-usable document generation templates, MDG Technologies, Relationship Matrix profiles, commonly-used model elements, stylesheets, UML Profiles and Patterns.



Select this option to display the Notes window, which displays the descriptive text that has been recorded against an element, diagram, feature or connector in Enterprise Architect. It also enables you to create and edit the text, providing a wide range of editing facilities through the Notes Toolbar and context menu.



Select this option to display the Properties window, which provides a convenient way to view (and in some cases edit) common properties of elements. When an element is selected, the Properties window shows the element's name, stereotype, version, author, dates and other pertinent information.

Properties Window


Select this option to display the Document window, which shows the Linked Document of the selected element (if it has one). If you click on another element, the window updates immediately to show the Linked Document of that element. The element name displays just under the window title; click on the title bar to display a short menu of options:

  • Edit Document - opens the document in the Document Editor for you to update
  • Reload - refreshes the content of the displayed document with the last-saved version
  • Print - displays the 'Print' dialog, which you use to configure the print job for printing the Linked Document
  • Find Elements with Linked Documents - opens the Find in Project view preloaded with an executed search for elements that have Linked Documents; as you click on an item in the search results, the Document window shows the corresponding Linked Document
  • Find Elements with Linked Documents modified recently - opens the Find in Project view preloaded with an executed search for elements that have Linked Documents that have updated within the last seven days (you can re-execute the search with a different number of days); as you click on an item in the search results, the Document window shows the corresponding Linked Document
Document Edit Ribbon


Select this option to display the Element Discussions window, in which you can read and develop a discussion or review of a specific element that is directly attached to that element.

Informal Element Discussions

Team Review

Select this option to display the Team Review window, which provides a forum in which to discuss the development and progress of the project, including any aspect of the project from whatever perspective is appropriate to the reviewers.

Team Review


Select this option to display the Summary View which, as its name suggests, provides a brief, read-only summary of the general properties of the currently selected:

  • Element (including Packages)
  • Attribute
  • Operation
  • Test
  • Maintenance item
  • Resource

The display refreshes immediately as you select different objects and items. You can highlight a section of text or the complete content, and copy it to be pasted into an external document.

The Summary View does not display details for Views, Model Packages, diagrams, instances or connectors.


Select this option to display the Relationships window, which provides a comprehensive view of all relationships of one or more selected elements, showing the type, direction, stereotype, source and target elements, and characteristics of the source and target elements.

The Relationships Window


Select this option to display the Traceability window, which helps you to see what relationships an element has, and to follow the chains of relationships to see what might influence the design or content of an element or what that element might itself affect.

The Traceability Window

Element Browser

Select this option to display the Element Browser, a window that neatly summarizes a wide range of 'add-on' properties for a selected element. You can use this as a starting point to edit the properties, and you can drag many of the properties from the Browser onto other elements.

The Element Browser

Tagged Values

Select this option to display the Tagged Values window, through which you can view and modify Tagged Values for a selected modeling item, either from the current diagram or in the Project Browser, and:

  • Assign a Tagged Value to an Item
  • Modify Tagged Values
  • Assign Notes to a Tagged Value
  • Perform advanced tag management
Tagged Values

Pan and Zoom

Select this option to display the Pan and Zoom window, which provides a 'birds-eye' view of the currently active diagram and enables you to pan quickly around a large diagram and zoom in to sections of interest.

The Pan & Zoom Window

Diagram Layout

Select this option to display the Layout Tools window, which provides a range of standard formats that you can apply to automatically lay out specific areas or sets of elements in the diagram in a structured arrangement.

Layout Diagrams

Diagram Filters

Select this option to display the Diagram Filters window, which provides a number of Diagram Filters (Dynamic Visual filters) that you can use to modify the display of diagram components so that the relevant items are immediately identified, without damaging the structure and integrity of the model.

Diagram Filters

System Output

Select this option to display the System Output window, which displays information generated by internal Enterprise Architect processes, or by Add-Ins and other third-party tools. The output from each type of operation is generally displayed on its own tab within the window.

The System Output Window