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Metamodel Toolbox

The Metamodel Toolbox provides model elements for creating Metamodel diagrams.

Metamodel Toolbox pages



See also

Except where discussed here, each element and relationship that you can create using these Toolbox pages is described in the UML Elements and UML Connectors sections of the Help.

The Metamodel Primitive element that supports the MOF specification, which you create using the Primitive icon, is deprecated. Use the Primitive element from the Class Toolbox.

Behavioral Diagram Elements Class Toolbox Structural Diagram Elements UML Connectors


  • To add an element to the currently-open diagram, click on the appropriate icon and drag it into position on the diagram; set an element name and other properties as prompted
  • To add a relationship, click on the appropriate icon, then click on the source element in the diagram and drag to the target element

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